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Taming Mr Arrogant

Taming Mr Arrogant

Author: Siwa Rose

Chapter 1 The Power To Say No

Word Count: 1761    |    Released on: 23/06/2023

m with electric energy. Bodies swayed and moved in rhythm, lost in the allure of the night. Brixlee Cyrup found herself amidst the crowd, her red dress shimmering under the

her phone out of her bag. No missed calls or texts awaited her, except for a reminder from her monitoring app about an upcoming interview the next day. She released a heavy sigh, realizing the weight of the challenges she faced. After three unsuccessful attempts to reach Mace, she resolved to cease her efforts. She couldn't blame him; after all, he was the birthday boy. With sluggish movements, she rose from her seat and made her way to the nearby cab stand. Hailing a taxi, she climbed in and drove off into the night, leaving the chaos of the party behind. . . . Nathan Grey stood rooted in surprise as the mysterious woman disappeared from his sight. Confusion clouded his mind, sobering him up in an instant. The cold remnants of the drink she had thrown lingered on his skin, preventing coherent thoughts from forming. Slowly, he extricated himself from the crowd, making his way to his private VIP lounge. Voices called out his name, but embarrassment kept him from turning. Pushing open the door, he sought refuge within the confines of his sanctuary. To his surprise, his intended date for the evening still patiently waited, a smile gracing her features. Though they were aware of their connection, he couldn't deny the distraction that had captivated him on the dance floor. His anger dissolved into a rush of excitement, and a mischievous smirk curled at the corners of his lips. Yes, she may have been his friend's ex, but that mattered little now that they were no longer together. "Come to me, baby," he murmured, his hands gliding along her supple curves as he pulled her closer. Guilt pulsed within her, making her breath come in shallow sips. His face descended upon hers, a slow and tantalizing motion, like a dream fading and blurring before disappearing entirely as their mouths met in a fiery kiss. His fingers traced a path down her neck, teasingly lingering on her bosom. The intoxicating tension between them heightened as he gently guided her onto his expansive desk. With deliberate slowness, he began to unbutton her top, the fabric giving way to his persistent touch. But just as desire began to consume them, the door creaked open, shattering the moment. Nathan withdrew from the kiss, a mixture of surprise and annoyance clouding his features. "Hey, man," a familiar voice called out. It was Lucas, one of his closest friends. The woman, embarrassed by the intrusion, swiftly disentangled herself from Nathan's arms and hastily retreated from the room. Nathan released a sigh, taking a seat in one of the nearby chairs. Lucas glared at him before settling into another chair. "You hooked up with Katie?" Lucas asked a calm but slightly annoyed tone in his voice. Nathan clenched his teeth in silent frustration. It had been merely a month since he had broken up with Katie, and he still hadn't completely moved on. "Chill, man! We're not together anymore," Nathan replied, rolling his eyes dismissively. "That doesn't mean you can make out with her," Lucas retorted. "She didn't have a problem with it." "Obviously." "Why are you so worked up about it? Just breathe, dude!" Lucas's fists curled with anger, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. Nathan's entitled attitude

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