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Chapter 3 The Permission

Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

ibly ridiculous. Apparently, I called Irene ‘fake’ and said that ‘I will destroy her to pieces’. I mean, come on! That doesn’t sound anything like me. Not that Iren

but I had to look at the bigger picture. “We’ll call up every pack in the country, prior to travelling there, and inform them why we’ll be visiting The BlackShadowed Pack. That way everyone will be reassured that we aren’t visiting to team up with them or gain power from them.” He replied quic-kly, looking ready to answer any excuse I throw at him. I sat there quietly, as the excitement started to build up inside me. Would it really be possible to go to that pack and have a match? I’d be lying of I said I wasn’t excited to see what their pack is like. Not many people have been to their territory, since you’d need permission from both packs to do that. If you trespass a pack’s territory, it would be up to them how they would trial that crime. Our pack, The Imperial Pride Pack, usually asks the trespasser their business and reason for trespassing before deciding the punishment. I heard trespassers of The BlackShadowed Pack are killed immediately, regardless of age, gender and rank. “It’s no good just convincing me, we also need to convince the Alpha and Luna.” I said, sighing. It seemed like an impossible task, especially since I remember their reaction after the party. “Good news!” Jay shouted in my ear, making me involuntarily push his face away. “I already convinced my Mum in siding with us, so she’ll back us up when we talk to Dad.” I gaped at him in disbelief, making him chuckle. “You’ve convinced Kaitlyn to side with us? Did you really? I thought she’d be the one to say ‘I won’t let you go on a suicide trip!’.” He shrugged at this, clearly looking proud of himself. “I have my ways.” “Now the real reason I barged in here and ate your Cheetos, is because Dad is coming home really soon. I needed you admit you want to accept the request, so that you’re ready to convince dad to let you go. Since we’ve been talking for a while, his car might pull up in front of the house any second now.” I stared at Jay in astonishment; he really went this far in ensuring I have the chance to fight someone worthy of competition. He must’ve known how desperate I’ve been for a good fight, since all the matches I’ve been in have been too easy for me. I haven’t changed my training structure in any way, but strangely, I have been getting stronger every day. I’m still haven’t moved on from the fact that he convinced Kaitlyn to side with us; I can’t believe it. Just then, I heard a familiar sounding car starting to pull up in front of the house. Jay jumped off the bed, looking at me mischievously and knowingly. His timing always amazes me; It’s like he has an accurate internal clock. Taking a deep breath and gathering my courage, I jump off my bed and follow Jay out of my room. I alre-ady heard Magnus’s footsteps on the stairs and opening his office door, as usual. Jay and I stood outside his office door, silently arguing about who should knock and open the door. We must’ve took too long arguing because next thing we know, Magnus opens the door. “What brings you kids to my office today?” He asked, raising his eyebrow in amusement. Of course, he could hear us no matter how low we whispered and he could clearly smell our scents. Although he is Jay’s loving father and the man who lovingly brought me up, he is still our Alpha and is still pretty intimidating. Jay spoke up first. “We have something to discuss with you.” Magnus opened his door even further allowing us to enter his office. After he sat down on his chair, he gestured us to speak. I spoke up this time; I felt it was unfair to let Jay do all the talking when I’m the one asking for a favour. “It’s about Irene’s request for the match.” Magnus nodded which encouraged me to speak further. “After much thought and consideration, I decided I want to accept the challenge.” Magnus sighed at this and said, “You are aware that the cons outweigh the pros, right?” Jay stepped in after hearing his father say that. “Actually we’ve come up with some strategies that’ll make the whole trip much easier.” The Alpha still looked unconvinced. “And what, pray tell, are your strategies?” The door opened before any of us could reply. Without looking back, I knew who it was as Kaitlyn’s scent filled the room. She walked in and stood right behind us. “Good timing!” I exclaimed in a mind link between us. “Jayden couldn’t stop pestering me in our mind link, saying how I can’t back out of a promise. I have so much paperwork to do today, but it’ll have to wait for now.” Kaitlyn sighed, before cutting the telepathic channel. “Honey, have you heard Elisia’s choice regarding Irene’s match request?” Magnus asked, probably expecting her to side with him. Haha, not today! I laughed internally, making sure my expression stays serious. “Yes, I have and I think it would be fine to let

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