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Chapter 2 A new Rival unveiled

Word Count: 3169    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

in a group. I recognised almost everyone in the group, I knew that they’re all pretty chill and nice people. One girl I didn’t recognise, who seemed to be sitting on her mate’s lap, looked up at me

who Irene is or were you just saying it to show you don’t consider her a rival?” Everyone quiets down as they waited for my reply. I shrugged and took a sip of my drink, unintentionally increasing everyone’s anticipation. Realising that they needed a verbal answer, I replied with, “I don’t know who Irene is.” I heard a few gasps and people letting out a sharp breaths. Who is Irene to have so many people displaying big reactions about her? My curiosity peaked after evaluating people’s expressions; it’s seems to me that I am out of the loop of something big. Which I’m not too surprised about; I’m usually oblivious to gossip and what’s being talked about recently. I’m always the last to know about things. “Damn, you must live under a rock.” The nice girl said, climbing off her mate and situated herself in front of me. “Okay, so is anyone going to explain who Irene is or what?” I asked, hanging the question in the air. “I gladly will.” The nice girl responded with a wink. “My name is Hana, if you were wondering.” She carried on before I could say anything. “Since you became the first female warrior in the US, there has been many other female wolves who have been following your footsteps. Just recently, I would say about couple months ago, a female wolf called Irene has been winning every match she has been in.” Isn’t that a good thing? Another female wolf who’s dominating her matches, that’s amazing! I not only travel to other packs for matches, but to also empower the females there and show their worth in fighting. “What pack is she from?” I asked. Silence. “Well?” I prodded, wondering why no one was answering. “The BlackShadowed Pack.” Daniel whispered, looking at me expectantly. Oh. So she’s from that pack? I’ve never set foot on their territory, nor do I plan on doing so. I’ve heard bad and dark rumours surrounding that pack. The former Alpha was nicknamed the ‘Mad Alpha’ because of his crazy, shady and dirty ways of doing pack business. I guess it worked for him since they are the most powerful pack in the United States. It’s been two years since the ‘Mad Alpha’ died, yet the pack seems to operate the same way. I heard that the current Alpha, although quite young, is just as bad as his father. “Moving on, so Irene has been challenging the best fighters in every pack. Including you.” Hana carried on, plopping her head on her hand. “She’s won all the matches so far.” So Irene wants to go against me? It sounds like she’ll actually be some competition which, I can’t lie, sounds exciting. Although, that doesn’t mean I can accept the challenge; I have to think of this pack’s reputation. We cant afford to as-sociate with that pack, not when we’re known to have a clean record. The Imperial Pride Pack is second to The BlackShadowed Pack when it comes to power, territorial land and influence. The biggest difference between us is how we manage the pack and the money. “That’s not all, Elisia.” Hana said, catching my attention again. “She’s been running her mouth for months now, saying that she is ‘better than you’ in every way. Since you have not replied to her request to fight, she’s been calling you a ‘coward’ and ‘poser’. She’s known for brutally finishing her opponent at the end of a fight, leaving them almost dead and calls herself ‘The White devil.’ It’s been causing so much drama and gossip in all the packs lately, that’s why we as-sumed you knew.” Oh. Well, damn. How do I respond to that? “Wow.” I said in a monotone voice. However, inside I was boiling. This Irene girl doesn’t even know me, and has the nerve to judge me like that. I had no idea who she was and that she has requested to fight me, until now. Usually Magnus organises these events for me as well as notifies me on who requested to fight me. Why didn’t he tell me about her? Is it because of the pack she belongs to? Not to mention, she apparently leaves them ‘almost dead’ at the end of a match? Honestly any strong fighter can do that, but where is the respect in that? A sparring match is about testing your physical and mental ability to fight, not about trying to kill each other. That is only reserved for the battlefield. “So? Do you consider her a rival?” Daniel asked. “She’s causing quite a stir in the community. The last female who caused this much stir was you.” “Will you accept the challenge and fight?” Someone else in the circle shouted. I stayed silent, not wanting to say the wrong thing. If I showed any signs of accepting the match request, then they all may share that ‘I accepted the challenge’ on social media. Magnus must’ve not told me for a reason, so I’ll need to find out why before I make a decision. “We will review the conditions of the request before making any decisions, so plea-se refrain yourselves from asking if she’ll accept.” Jayden spoke up, walking over to us. I s£nt him a grateful smile, he always knows when to come in. I stood up, stretching my numb legs from sitting in the same position for too long. Did they really think Irene could beat me in a fighting match? They way they were describing her made it seem like they think she can rival me. Can she? There is no way of knowing until I see her fight, I wonder if there is a video about. Couple hours later ~ Almost everyone was gone, just a few people stayed behind to help us clean up the mess. It was just me, Jay, Hana and her mate, who I now know is called Michael. Thankfully, all we had to clean the first floor of the house since the upstairs was off limits during the party. A downstairs toilet is useful for occasions like this or people woul

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