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The Billionaire She loves

The Billionaire She loves


Chapter 1 The interviews

Word Count: 3978    |    Released on: 29/06/2023

made her way from the entrance to the third floor that housed her office cubicle. The edifice, at twelve floors ho

er favorite: simple A-line dresses that flowed with a mix of neutral colors bursting on the eyes of the beholder. The early morning sun rays that poured inside the building from the wide wall windows gave a beautiful ambience and t

raduation and her internship in another establishm

ciated in its apperarance which was representative of all the cultures that could be found in it. And the city was lively,

d with earlier events that month

tinuing and would probably be over in a few weeks. But Sophia knew that the mental scars of such loss wouldn't leave so soon from the minds of the residents and sur

latmate as she stepped into the elevator and pressed for the thi

ite the other two having moved out to their respective boyfriends' places, the ritual still continued with Lisa and Sophia. Though not as often. Sophia's job in media demanded more of her tim

ey had met at a mutual friend's birthday party some weeks ago and warmed up to each other. And then ran into each other later at a birthday party where she

often told her. That was after Sam her last boyfriend had dumped her in favour

ent and devotion to the relationship. Her other relationships

over and over again anytime she failed to ex

day. I have an outing with D

e thought as she sent a message to focus back on work, before going offline. The elevator doors opened and she stepped out into the passage. All of Sophia's close friends had steady relationships which was a painful remin

current affairs desk, sat along with others at a desk, seriously occupied with the day's work. The race for senatorial seats had began and the fevered air of campaigning pinged the very heart beat of the polity. Nodding a greeting to them, she dumped her bag on her table and headed into the break room for some hot coffee. She

self-centered and expected the world to fall down and worship them without hesitation. Something she experienced as a rookie in her internship year when she interviewed the up and coming, but not so well-known pop singer, Shirley Don. After the interview, while some of her colleagues were busy getting autographs and taking pictures, she had been busy with finish

n the weekend news?" Of course she had but she admitted she didn't quite follow all the news provided in the papers S

istance from private individuals. Among those mentioned was Alexander Hamilton, founder and CEO of Hamilton Investment Incorporated. His company had sent ten trucks filled with relief materials of foodst

. "He's always mentioned in connect

" It wasn't surprising for Sophia. His father had once ran for and won a senatorial seat. That was many years ago before he ventured

d. In her mind she thought otherwise. Moguls and magnates had a tendency to focus on only ec

rown hair sprinkled with the first show of graying hair. And he always wore his trademark brown checkered jackets over black trousers, and equally black and shiny sh

rning to Sophia. "Sophie, morning," he beamed. "Could

er dress. It clung to her skin like tape which suddenly made her feel uncomfortable

noramic view of Atlantis skyline and overlooked a section of the city's main business district. Further afield the Atlantic coastline could be seen as a strip of yellow against a solid grey of wave barriers an

ront of his desk and picking up his morning cup of tea. Another uniqu

wouldn't be the first time he had called

oon. Mr. Alexander Hamilton was at the storm shelter yesterday du

e looking as red as tomatoes. She leaned forward. "Sorry, sir. But the newspa

chest as a look of surprise came over her face. "This Friday, Hamilton Incorporated is hosting a gala dinner for their corpor

ted guests. But I have a task for you. On Wednesday, you would have to con

usly he'd asked her to handle something for him which had been a delightful and eye-opening experience for her with just a few h

learance to interview Mr. Hamilton. Unfortunately, she won't be available to do

erview and Hamilton swirled around. Her heart freezing in her chest constricting so hard. Fiona David was an accomplished journalist though she had worked longer at Atlantis city News than Sophia. Which ma

de for it." She wondered if he was referring to an incident years ago at her

or it or it's already finalized

r shoulder. He reached behind him and removed a file which he handed over to her. "That'

king the file from him. Felix

y can't someone else go with you, cover t

ed that there were very few reporters he could trust with such a delicate job. The man was very particular in his dealings with peop

idea hit her. "What about Claire? Isn't she coming for the dinner?" C

t be back until next week. You are our main hope," he

he picked up the folder and began looking through it. Wh

rned to face him, hoping there wasn't an extra

smile on her face, and h

eeling from the new development. "You look like you just sa

bility to hold conversation straight with anyone for

"He needs me to do it on Wednesday. Sally only shot her a sympathetic look. "It

editing and when she was free in between her scheduled tasks, Sop

Sunderland City. Founder and CEO Hamilton Corporation and from one of Atlantis prominent families. He was a graduate

ere women that he had affairs with, all from different parts of the entertainment industry. The pictures were a top notch window of a man who certainly was a ladies man and who wielded charm and with that had them flocking towards him.

ea and Sally chatted on when she suddenly broke in, "Does anyone of you know who Mr. Alexander Hamilton's lover is?" She had gone through the file and yet there

oed before sharing a stare. "The CEO of

rinks a glass of water," Sally sup

before, especially since some years ago," An

urprise. And the latter deemednit perfect to give her a breakd

any drop. Sophia decided to pause with her res

k salute when she stepped out of the building. The car park which was partially in view from the street was still full with people chatting away before the

from his arms. She earnestly didn't want to

stead, taking her hand and lead

crazy," s

l, she gave him a rundo

moment she didn't know whether to be honest or give a made up answer. "Let'

at her, hiseyes

hotdogs and chips at Grills and Fries. Late ev

t maybe you are not quite open to people

like him has a sense of entitleme

sure she wanted to back out now. Her interest in Alexander had sparked and it burnt low but fierce in her mind. Sho

nnel with the lights dim across the hallway and into the dining. She swept through only to be confronted by as a silent until she stood in the hallway Lisa's leaning form against t

ered the possibility that her flatmate wo

tnut hair in long braids and wide eyes who came out from the kitchen bearing a plate of dinner. It was Melinda, a close friend of Lisa and well-

r," she supplied, shrugging off her

you off at your place thi

a hadn't seen her getting out of the back door or identi

indicating towards the far left window

came into t

me up for an early din

ith a mischievous smile on her face. Sophia rolled her

ffed that she was way too stuck in the rut of her strictly platonic life which was unhealthy, Sophia knew deep down that was only

s and food. That's

" Melinda asked, but Sophia only

hat he is interested in having a relationship with you," Melind

said simply. She wasn't keen on giving impressions or

e, you would earn my displeasure if you

and Sophia slept off with images of a da

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