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The Billionaire She loves

Chapter 3 A dinner

Word Count: 2442    |    Released on: 29/06/2023

white and wine linen, secluded in cubicles. At every table there was a single colored candle enclosed in a glass which emitted a soft glow on the faces of some of the diners. There were qui

boards with large windows covered by dark

ce beyond which a wide curved sta

Sophia found herself asking, wanting to

k that swept over her face. She didn't think he was being truth

ers and few looked in their direction. She was forced to ask a burning question. "You want u

gentleman walked in step with her, keeping a straight and upright poise. Sophia blushed deeply and turned her face to look at the diners below, wonderi

. They ordered for their drinks, a martini for him and fruit juice for her. The wa

as still work and she had a poor tolerance fo alcohol

her uncomfortable and she was about to say something when the waiter returned with their drinks. They gave their food order and whil

ask me to conduct the interview here? I heard you are very p

keable on the outside but she wasn't sure if it went any deeper. His dark

are vetted before being allowed entry. So th

lence Sophia busied he

of his drink. Sophia watched in slight fascination as the li

to take dinner, two. And I like to provide a relaxed atmosphere

provide that sort of reception to all those

reagrding her for awhile. "Very

for so many years?" Their food arrived and the aroma was making h

mbition to provide people with ser

tic way of cou

ophia noted when he mumbled something to a waiter who scut

ontrol freak

, looking sligh

r social responsibility or accountability in the world of business. And yes, he liked to keep his private life u

got the sense that he was rather bored o

. Hamilton," she offered standing

t her brief

ze and was stunned by the slight flicker of a smil

her. A long

than generous with your time which I can't continue to put demand o

t me take yo

missed. Heavens knew what would happe

the interview done this late. It's the least I can do to compensate for your inconven

always this considerate with people? That paled in contrast to the fact that she didn't qu

got into the car. She wondered if he doubled as a bodyguard as no other car followed them and they were the only passengers in the car. The car slid smoothly through the late traffic. Once or twice she had glimpsed at him as the pale or

his Friday. Why don't you come for the gala. It will be an excelllent

n. "My boss will be attending the event so it won't be necessary. I a

ge on saying something to her. Instead he reached into his breast p

nteracting with people who have a deep sense of commitment to their jobs

Miss Henderso

Hamilton," she

nd office numbers of Alexander Hamilton. The set of scribbled numbers was for the home. What he was up to Sophia di

ed with an inc

me now? It

hort trip to her flat. Tomorrow s

m the TV that her friends were watching, The Winstons, a popular reality show about a family whose members were all in to th

sed by

thought that they had probably seen her being dropped off at a late hour. She made a quick decision and stopped in the doorway to take in the view of Lisa reclining

ng up when Sophia stepped further in

gasped in astonishment. Surely, Lisa hadn't gone round telling all

ve a blank stare and shru

defended." And a certain guy called while you wer

Sophia's face at

. Lisa smirked. "He did use a lot of e

n't like being del

u seeing someone, S

screen. The last one read Call me when you get home. Her phone had been on silent during a meeting and she had

id emphatically. She went over into the kitchen to grab a late evening snack of juice a

trying to message you all day," Diane called from the living

handed it over to her. It was golden yellow with an enc

ix Charity Organization, the humanitaria

he's inviting me to a di

t?" Diane came beside her and peered over her shoulder at the card. "Ham

t revealing that she knew someone who wor

to come, right? Arrgh, and I wanted you to meet some interestin

way out of it." Sophia wasn't remotely interested in the party. She could clearly see through

f her interview ready for submission the next morning. She blushed deeply when she recalled his warm touch on her sensitive skin and the oure seduction of his eyes and lips

's name glaring at her. She sighed as she answered the call. "Mom,

You haven't been around

her mother that she had been busy lately at work

n why she needed to take ti

ed getting straight to the issue at hand. "You have to come since you have interest in

ighlights in your hair." s

ecially in regard to work. Her mother swore that they made her f

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