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Supernatural Beings Of Winterville

Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!

Word Count: 1573    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

agons killed both their parents who tried to protect them ten thousand years ago. The weredragons are the sworn enemies of the Vampire/Werewolf hybrids, they

tion of the name Lucia, Kyle's thoughts went wild. "How did you know that's her name?" "Oh, come on little bro, you know I'd do anything for you!" Alan teased. "You went stalking on her?!" Kyle retorted, now getting annoyed. "And by the way, she has a nice scent!" Alan teased the more. "If you dare lay a finger on her, I'll make sure I....." Kyle was saying when suddenly. Whoosh! In the blink of an eye, Alan was standing in front of him, with an evil grin. "You'll what?" Kyle leapt at him with his right palm pushed forward, there was a collision which sent both of them flying into the concrete walls of their room. Kyle let go of Alan, and took two steps backwards. "Threaten me again, and I'll end her existence in within minutes" Alan said, before bursting into laughter. "A*shole!" Kyle cursed inwardly before speeding into his room. Lucia's head was banging in the melodious sound of Ed Sheeran's 'Shape of You! Courtesy of her headphones on max volume. 'who was that guy?' 'Why did she feel like she'd met him before?' 'She needed to find out' Lucia hummed inwardly to the music as these thoughts ran through her mind. The feeling she was having now, it's been years since she last felt that way, she was wondering why, but who was she to 'not give-in to it?' She pulled off the headphones from her ears, just in time to pick a call from Kamilia. "What's up sucker?" She joked. "Hey, remember that guy from earlier today?" Kamilia's voice came through the phone. "Yeah, what about him?" "Well, news just got round, he's Dead!" Kamilia said. "What!" "How?" "Animal attack! We'll talk more tomorrow!" Kamilia said and hung up. Lucia was perplexed, someone she just met today, and now he's dead, such devastating news, too bad she didn't get to talk one on one with him. Next day. Winterville High School. "Hey what's up Winterville's cutest" Taylor joked, as Lucia walked towards them. They were all dressed in fancy looking gowns. Lucia wore a red gown, Kamilia wore green, while Taylor wore a blue gown, they really knew how to turn up. "What's popping damsels?" Lucia joked back as they walked towards the locker facility. "Well, nothing except the death of Mr-Pretty-boy" Kamilia replied sharply. "Wait, were you talking about the first boy we met yesterday or the last one who bumped into me?" Lucia asked, wearing a confused look. Both Kamilia and Taylor shot her stern looks. "I'm talking about the first boy, sucker!" Kamilia retorted. "Oh God!" Lucia said, somehow feeling relieved that it wasn't the boy who bumped into her. "Why are animals attacking people randomly in the school?" Taylor asked, wearing a worried face. "Well, God knows why! But rumours have gone round the school! They think it's a wolf" Kamilia added. "A wolf? What kind of wolf would kill people and cause so much damages like

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1 Chapter 1 Welcome To Winterville!2 Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!3 Chapter 3 Ruined Date!4 Chapter 4 Making Plans!5 Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!6 Chapter 6 Reinforcements!7 Chapter 7 Love And Lust!8 Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!9 Chapter 9 The Rescue Plan!10 Chapter 10 Rescue Gone Wrong!11 Chapter 11 And Then There Were None!12 Chapter 12 It's A Trap!13 Chapter 13 Gloomy Days!14 Chapter 14 Catching A Glimpse!15 Chapter 15 Harold Olivers!16 Chapter 16 A War Is Coming!17 Chapter 17 Where We Stand!18 Chapter 18 The Arcana!19 Chapter 19 The Blood Moon!20 Chapter 20 The Emergence!21 Chapter 21 The Blood God Returns!22 Chapter 22 Recuperation!23 Chapter 23 Prepping For Prom!24 Chapter 24 Be My Prom Date!25 Chapter 25 Meeting The Ultimate Hunter!26 Chapter 26 The Wild Wolf Of The South!27 Chapter 27 Rumbling In The Woods!28 Chapter 28 The Last Hellhound!29 Chapter 29 Prom Time!30 Chapter 30 Affections!31 Chapter 31 Differences!32 Chapter 32 Hellhound In Winterville!33 Chapter 33 Interjections!34 Chapter 34 Killing Asteria!35 Chapter 35 Returning To Full Power!36 Chapter 36 Triple Threat!37 Chapter 37 The Persistent Witch!38 Chapter 38 The Werejaguars39 Chapter 39 Sameal Pearce!40 Chapter 40 Taking Note!41 Chapter 41 The Uprising!42 Chapter 42 Ayravale!43 Chapter 43 Turner Lake Street!44 Chapter 44 Discretion!45 Chapter 45 Choosing Between The Two!46 Chapter 46 Anne... 47 Chapter 47 Walls!48 Chapter 48 Tik Tok!49 Chapter 49 Dispersion!50 Chapter 50 The Collision!51 Chapter 51 Choosing Sides!52 Chapter 52 The Convergence!