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Supernatural Beings Of Winterville

Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

e were traders arranged from right to left. Customers walked around to patronize everyone, noises, chatters, and screams could be heard as everyone tried to market his or her products on th

sked, trying to confirm something. "No, it seems they've all gone AWOL since our last battle!" Hitler replied. "Speaking of which, I am but an alpha without a pack now!" Hitler stated in a sad tone. "Don't fret bro, you'll get another pack soon enough!" Kyle consoled, giving Hitler a friendly pat on the back. "Kyle.....! Hitler....!" They both heard a feminine voice call out their names as they made to walk past another compartment. They turned to see who it was, it was Kamilia. She was running towards them, the expression on her face portrayed sadness and worry. "Hey what's wrong?" Kyle asked as she stopped in front of them, trying to catch her breath. "It's Lucia, and Taylor!" "Yeah, what about them?" Hitler asked, cuddling his hair. "I've searched the whole school, they're not here, both their lines are switched off" "Kyle, I think something's wrong!" Kamilia broke out the bad news. "What! Since when?" Kyle asked "I haven't set eyes on them both since after last night!" She replied. "Listen, we've gotta go find them! Have you tried going to their houses? Or checking with their parents?" Hitler chirped in. "Both their parents are away, Lucia said her parents would be leaving town by 4am this morning" "We'll check their houses!" Kyle said and wanted to go but Kamilia stopped him. "I can teleport us there!" She suggested. "Alright then do it!" Hitler added. She waved her right hand and muttered indescribable words and then they vanished from the spot, thank God no one except them, was there. Southern Winterville Alan walked down the alley leading towards the house of a witch he was tracking. He was told a witch named Caramel Gordon lived there, and he was tracking her. He saw a number of buildings arranged in rows. He saw a lot of children, dressed in worn out clothes, running and playing around. 'Was this place like an orphanage home?' he thought as he scanned the area for his target. "Hey, kid, one minute" he asked a girl, probably 7 years of age who was running past him and she stopped. "What's your name kid?" He bent down carefully to her size. "Annabel!" She replied. "Wow, that's a nice name!" Alan replied. "Now, Annabel, I want you to tell me where I can find the lady called Caramel!" He said, with a low and convincing tone. Annabel pointed towards the first building at the first row, and nodded positively. "Thank you so much Annabel" he brought out a 100 dollar note and gave it to her. "Now run along!" "Thank you too" she thanked and rejoiced away. Alan walked towards the building but a force stopped him in his tracks and sent him forcefully flying backwards. Alan dusted off the dirt on his jacket as he stood up, a lady dressed in a white long-sleeved leather shirt and pink trousers. He figured that would be Caramel. "What do you want from us?" She asked, swinging her hands towards different directions, as if trying to conjure another spell. "Caramel, calm do

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1 Chapter 1 Welcome To Winterville!2 Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!3 Chapter 3 Ruined Date!4 Chapter 4 Making Plans!5 Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!6 Chapter 6 Reinforcements!7 Chapter 7 Love And Lust!8 Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!9 Chapter 9 The Rescue Plan!10 Chapter 10 Rescue Gone Wrong!11 Chapter 11 And Then There Were None!12 Chapter 12 It's A Trap!13 Chapter 13 Gloomy Days!14 Chapter 14 Catching A Glimpse!15 Chapter 15 Harold Olivers!16 Chapter 16 A War Is Coming!17 Chapter 17 Where We Stand!18 Chapter 18 The Arcana!19 Chapter 19 The Blood Moon!20 Chapter 20 The Emergence!21 Chapter 21 The Blood God Returns!22 Chapter 22 Recuperation!23 Chapter 23 Prepping For Prom!24 Chapter 24 Be My Prom Date!25 Chapter 25 Meeting The Ultimate Hunter!26 Chapter 26 The Wild Wolf Of The South!27 Chapter 27 Rumbling In The Woods!28 Chapter 28 The Last Hellhound!29 Chapter 29 Prom Time!30 Chapter 30 Affections!31 Chapter 31 Differences!32 Chapter 32 Hellhound In Winterville!33 Chapter 33 Interjections!34 Chapter 34 Killing Asteria!35 Chapter 35 Returning To Full Power!36 Chapter 36 Triple Threat!37 Chapter 37 The Persistent Witch!38 Chapter 38 The Werejaguars39 Chapter 39 Sameal Pearce!40 Chapter 40 Taking Note!41 Chapter 41 The Uprising!42 Chapter 42 Ayravale!43 Chapter 43 Turner Lake Street!44 Chapter 44 Discretion!45 Chapter 45 Choosing Between The Two!46 Chapter 46 Anne... 47 Chapter 47 Walls!48 Chapter 48 Tik Tok!49 Chapter 49 Dispersion!50 Chapter 50 The Collision!51 Chapter 51 Choosing Sides!52 Chapter 52 The Convergence!