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Probable Sons


Word Count: 2574    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ys. Fetch her in here this afternoon, and you go and get a

age, and nurse found him a most trying patient. Nothing would please h

She has been asking me every day to come

ith smiles. As she climbed up into the chair by the bedside and gentl

you, uncle; won't that be lovely? May I g

t, but you may sit t

all I ta

never seem to be at a

idered for

ally talk most to Fritz. He understands, I'm sure, but he d

e of Christma

h a sad sight yesterday morning. I was down in the fir plantation with Fritz, and we came upon a dear little rabbit caught in a steel trap. Maxwell said a

hat steals game

ause if it's dark he might make a mistake. Wouldn't it be dreadful if he hurt his own prodigal son! And I expect Tommy will look very like a p

st as she sat in her big chair, her elbows supported by her knees, a

one, not just playing at it, as I do-I would rather be on


o come home, his father shut the door in his face, and wouldn't let him in. And then there's Tommy, I can't help s'posing that his father mightn't know him. But God can't make

ught, and she turned her expressive eyes toward her

long, and had refused to listen to His voice when He called, and then when you

y sm

if he came back in the middle of the night, and God would never turn one of his prodigal sons away. He

e, and after another p

here were his best Sunday coat and waistcoat and trousers, and a silk handkerchief with lavender in it, and a necktie with yellow and red stripes, and she told me they had been there for nine years, and sh

nquired Sir E

r him, so we looked about and found a pair that are just too small for Maxwell, and I put them in the drawer my own self. Mrs. Maxwell says he won't want a ring, and that she thinks the Bible people dressed diff

cushions and laughed aloud. Then, no

ill be time enough to see about his ring, though I quite

eyes roving round the room. "Ah! you've had it hung up on the wall. That's nice there. Yo

rd, glancing at the picture in question

o long. I wonder if he was a great time walking back. How long do you

long time, indeed," s

wo days, or six

ps on how long they ha

he said that God was near them, only they wouldn't have anything to say to Him, and did bad things and shut the Lord Jesus out of their heart, and let Satan in, and then God had to leave them till they said they said they were sor

had enough of this subject

s irritable. Milly's

k it will? It is quite smoky by the river; nurse says it is a fog. I wond

y there came a sharp knock at t

od gracious! you have been pretty bad, haven't you? Will you put me

as he-came forward and looked with rea

ly, holding out his hand. "Come and stay for as lon

ere before?" inquired Major Lovell, looking down at Milly, who still s

out his lips as he remembered his horror of her a

ttle hand with all th

; "you were one of the gen

have been guilty of s

" Sir Edward said, "and tell nu

away from her uncle. "For do you know, nurse, I like Uncle Edward so much better when he

d good, and Milly was quite delighted to find that her uncle's visitor not only listened with interest to the account of her favorite games and pastimes,

lful nurse; but there were times when all his bright cheeriness could not sm

him with a puzzled expression of face. Catching sight of

oing out w

my own self, in the avenue

ce than usual, and then suddenly, very fu

mind. It strikes me from different things

?" inquired Mi

ound them. They are most objectionable people, little woman, so mind you never take up that line, and the worst

o be like them?" asked the c

I shall do all in my

people do?" q

sing hymns, and pull long fac

s, sometimes, and wish I could sing like them; and the trees sing, and the bees and flies. Everything seems to sing out of

the major laughed heartily as he spoke; then,

e pious if you don't take care. Wha

id Milly, solemnly,

a dry book as the Bible? You c

d and read it to me. It tells about Jesus, you know, and I lo

gave a long

om of it all. Do you read the Bible to your uncle? Do you tell him that he has been wasting his life and not fulfilling the end

eplied, warmly. "I don't know what you mea

hink of me if I

t all by heart? I e

gin to catechise me too severely. Who ha

eople. But I thought all the grown-up peopl


l son, one of God

are they,

stopped short, and said very solemnly, raisi

Edward said there were some rich ones. H

bargain for this when I came out with you. You must keep your sermons for s

s she was laughing gleefully as she was being trotted round the stable

unny, and I can't always understand hi

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