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Probable Sons


Word Count: 2976    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

own for some time in front of his little niece's picture that she

'I will arise'-ay, easy to say; it's a hard and bitter thing for a backslider to re

the Lord Himself used this as an illustr

lowed, then a heartfe

e, and bring me back, fo

g fellow stood before the squire, and in earnest, humble tones asked if he could be given a chance of redeeming his character by bein

father and son left him with

the courage at last to take the step from which I am still shrinking. Why should

selessly round the old house, howling down the chimneys, and be

ecorate the hall and rooms with holly and evergreen, thou

ke a pride in it, but I don't believe the master will notice whether it's done or not. It seems t

ry and stood at the window, her bright brown eyes eagerl

e sat with her work in a comfortable chair by the fire.

ugh this afternoon. I'm rather afraid it will hurt the little trees. Ford said if I went out I should be blow

don't think we could spare you, my dear. You

, and then come back again. Oh, nurse, Goliath is screaming and cracking so! I wish the wind would knock him over, he is

door; "it's a dangerous thing for an old tree to be blown down. Now I am going downsta

quick eyes noticed a poor wretched little kitten mewing pitifully as she vainl

quences, the child darted to the nurser

fetch her in. I expect she h

nce out of the window. There, to his amazement, he saw, under the old oak tree on the lawn, his little niece, her gold

there was an awful cracking, then a crash, and, to his horror, a huge limb of the o

e figure stagger and fall. Then, forgetting his weakness and lack of physical st

within him. It did not take him long to carry her into her house, and he was met at the door by nurse, who wisely wasted no time in useless lamentation, but set to work at once to restore animation to her little charge. Her efforts were successful. Milly was only slightly stunned, but it

tried to kill me, he did! I saw him coming on the to

after nurse had left the room, and the child rested her little head on his shoulder in a very s

this afternoon, little one, a

her large dar

d have gone straight u


uppose He doesn't want me yet,

ning she raised a very sad little face t

you heard who Goli

? No one else was hurt, I hope?" and S

led, nurse said. It was the poor little

rs, and Milly could not understand th

d, I daresay, but there are ple

even nurse. She said she would rather it had been the kitten than me. Poor little kitty, her mother will be missing her so to-night! Do you think, uncle, the wind or Goliath killed her? I think it was Goliath. I just looked out of my window on the stairs before I came down

re," said Sir Edward cheerfully. "

gue was only too r

ocked down this afternoon I've had such a pain in my head I left off thinking. But I've just remembered it now. You see it is really Jesus Christ's birthday to-morrow, and I was thinking I've been getting presents for every one in the house but Him. Nurse has been helping me with some of

soft wistfulness c

when we are all in bed, and it is very quiet, I expect He might send an angel down to bring it up to Him. I think He might do

Christmas present is to give something to the poor. He would rather ha

is pocket, and rolled a coin acr

was not

What will you give Him this Christmas besides?

ntrol. With the one subject that was now always foremost in his thoughts, the child's question rang agai

my soul and body, that have now been

silence he said, in a

bedtime; say 'Good-nigh

e fire warming his hands, she took hold of the ends of hi

father might have done this afternoon. Wo

axingly to his, and then took her up in his arms; but after

rayers, ask that one of God's prodigal sons may be brought back this

e child softly. "And wil


to the smoking-room and seated himself in a chair by the fire. The chimes of the village church were ringing out merrily, and presen

hest, and on earth peace

to surround his soul, and this ver

lasting love, therefore with lo

lth; the gentle voice and life of a little child pleading with him day by day, and that life having so lately been miraculously preserved from a great danger-all this filled his heart with the realization of the mercy and loving-kindness of God; and when again the past came up

aven, and in Thy sight, and am no

next afternoon, the child upon his

have received a lett

sked Milly, w

o have you out there, and bring you up among her own children. She says a friend of her

illy say. Sir Edward noted a slight quivering of the lips, and a piteous gleam

oys and girls to play with, instead o

enly down went the curly head upon his

sed the little

stmas Day," he said. "What is t

ittle mistake. Miss Kent didn't want me, and now you don't want me, and perhaps my aunt won't want me when I get there. I wish God wanted me, but I'm afraid He doesn't. Nurse says she thinks He

little woman. I have been thinking over the matter, and have decided this afternoon to keep you with me. I find I

e an April shower was lifted to his, the "confirmed old bachelor" took to his heart the li

r, "do you know if that prodigal son you tol

a minute, then very grav

and you must pray now that he may not be ashamed to own his Lord, who has so

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