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Word Count: 1222    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

aged to say as Marius released my lip

eplied instead, as he pushed me a

ck, and I couldn't understand why the heat

I pleaded with Marius as I f

d continued his assau

strong, and although I wouldn't admit it, I could feel the gradual me


lie about

on that day that he began giving me a strange kind of feeling that I had

dsome man I’d ever met. However, there was something different about the way his gaze affected m

s were in

te of the lingering alcohol on his lips from

d my name, his beautifu

but it was enough for me to see the intense desire in his eyes. And

and raised in the United Kingdom, I am not a liberated woman. And this is the

by his gaze on m

y by his sweet words

by him. I have a feeling I'd regret it if I push him away. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that I simply lack the strength to do so because, in truth, I do

Marius had any inkling th

things, it didn't really matter. Not when faced with the overwhelming sensations that enveloped me at this very

know that?" Marius murmured, his qu

ged to gracefully remove my yellow dres

h depth, and such passion that it left me breathless. Then, with gentle strength, he

f his lips. It was as if every nerve ending in my being came alive, electrified by the intensity of his desire. I c

himself right before my eyes. My heart raced, and a blush tinged my cheeks as I

was not j

s body was a work of art, every muscle chiseled to perfection. I couldn't help but admire him with

feature. But then, Marius caught me in the act. A mischievous smile tugged at the corn

e throes of anticipation and longing, I silently acknowledged that I was willing to embrace every pleasurable sensation that Marius yearned

er of his lips lifts ever so slightly,

n the bed, hovering over me. Our bodies pressed toge

arius's skin

response to his question, mustering up enough courage. It was then that I

hat he enjoyed my actions, and secretly, I reveled in that. Low

d you make me feel like it was?" I whi

es because of what I did. So, it came as no surprise when h

cially when his hands began to explore as if sea

n escaped my lips, and

t the


s, it was then that an idea formed in my mind—an idea of how I could reciprocate, how I could

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