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Chapter 4 REAL THING

Word Count: 1297    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

en it comes to these matters. I must admit that there have been occasions when I watched pornographic videos. And now, I truly understand wh

y, Marius awakened a part of me that I know only he can fulfill. Yes, that is the truth. And I

moan uncontrollably, unable to suppress it. But it seems he is not satisfied with what

I feel the throbbing between my thighs, proof

whispers to me before gently biting my ear

!" My hands become shaky as I t

and I feel that if I do it myself, it might al

ic his way of kissing me. When he releases my lips, a part of me wants to protest, but

nervously ask when I feel Mari

stion. "You're going to love this," he replied, gently gripp

uld almost anticipate what he was going to do next. And I wasn't mistaken. I had to c

exclaimed betwe

entrance in a way that made me ache with anticipation. I

I moaned deeply as Marius's to

ing," Marius said, his

ie down. Until Marius completely c

y entire being. It was accompanied by the intoxicating flicks of Marius's tongue against my co

er as I released deep breaths, while soft moans escap

, speaking the truth even though I didn't wa

could offer much more than what he had already given. Because even in this was my first time, the way his tongue teas

I wanted in those moments was for him to

lease, don't stop," I pleaded with

from the overwhelming pleasure that completely engulfed my senses. Marius devoured me ent

s I experienced in those moments. It intensified even more when I felt him relentlessly c

ving me with everything he did. It was electrifying but in the most pleasurable way. My head spun even

ly when I felt Marius's tongue now expl

med, followed by

ue doing the ins and outs within me was pure bliss. God, I lost count of how many times I gasped, whimpered, and moaned

focus on anything else. All I knew was that I couldn't close my eyes either because

yes were the same. The overwhelming pleasure rendered them incapable of coher

n!" I let him know as I felt myself nearin

give me a passionate kiss. "Ready?" he asked, his eyes

Marius continued rubbing his

d with a gentle tone, and I

l do my best to be gentle. Oka

. "I know, just go on. I'll be fine," I assured him with

a mixture of pleasure and pain as he entered me, but I trusted him completely. The pleasure

e a world of passion I had never known before. Time seemed to slow dow

in a dance of desire and ecstasy. It was a connection beyond word

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