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Rise of a drug lord

Rise of a drug lord

Author: Ojay29

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 11/07/2023

hich is a bustling metropolis with a rich history that is known for its vibrant neigh

esidents. As a consequence, the social fabric of Crestwood is strained due to rising crime rates, inadequate social services, and a lack of affordable housing options. Whereas, the center of the county town is dominant and famous for its millionaire businessmen along with the mafia

lating industries, businesses, and even the political landscape. Their illicit activities range from drug

o the doorsteps of his home. Justin stood outside the shabby apartment, clutching the eviction notice in his trembling hands. The weight of

t bear to see them suffer like this. His mind raced, desperately searching for a solution. But, since he was already holding a note of grievance in his hand

voice quivering with a mixture of fear and determ

son a weak smile. "I know, Justin. We'

They had been through so much already, and Justin couldn't help but feel a surge of anger toward their ab

roy us." He made his way out, with the urge of hunting for another job, as thirsty as a

to work as a guard, used to wrench my heart already.

his higher studies would not have been re

ight of his family's needs pressing heavily on his shoulders. Thoughts swirled in his mind, and he began to have a con

in muttered, frustration lacing his words. "But no matter how many hours I put in,

lled with a mix of det

I worked every hour of every day for the rest of my life, it still wouldn't be enough to mee

is lips as he wrestled

whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of helplessness. "But how can I possibly achieve that when th

rustration, and determin

. There has to be a solution, an opportunity that will lift us out of this never-ending struggle

he dark streets, lit with sodium bulbs. As he closed his eyes, the eyelid served as a curtain on which t

nd a way to provide for them, even if it means taking risks and venturing into unknown t

llenges that lay ahead, knowing that even against all odds, he would do

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