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Rise of a drug lord

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 11/07/2023

missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams of his past. He found himself engaging in a self-conversa

ed learning, immersing myself in books, and exploring the depths of knowledge. I had bi

ss his eyes as memories of his fa

frustration and disappointment. "He always saw my thirst for knowledge as a weakness, a wast

graph of his father, a complex mi

supported my academic pursuits, I could have achieved so much more. I could have pursued s

in Justin as he imagined the alt

his passion for computer science engineering and the capabilit

n his voice. "Computer science engineering has been my area of interest for as long as I can remember.

his eyes as he contemplated

g my skills," Justin declared, his voice growing stronger. "I've spent countless hours devouring programming books,

s words as he thought abou

stretched my limits," Justin continued, his voice tinged with a sense of accomplishment. "Though my path may have been u

filled the room as Justin

creativity, the problem-solving skills, and the innate understanding of technology that can propel me forward. I'll continue to learn,

s face as Justin acknowledged th

kly, and the passion to excel," he concluded, his voice filled with a newfound sense of purpose. "In this fast-paced world of technolog

ney to make a name for himself in the field of computer science eng

s voice filled with determination. "I may have been denied the opportunities I

ed, a fire igni

tacles that have been placed in my path. I may not have the fancy degrees or the

in his eyes as he looked at

stin affirmed, a hint of excitement entering his voice. "There are still opportunities out there

straightened his posture, his mi

le tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'll make my own success, on my own terms. And someday, I'll look back and kno

his mark in the world, armed with the knowledge that his true

Anything that exists in this world! I am gonna set my goa

ve cars, can substitute for the ruthlessness of my father. And yes, I want them all to

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