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Beyond the moon's glow.

Chapter 3 MATE

Word Count: 2009    |    Released on: 17/07/2023

ed up and locked in a room that used to be a storage room in the pack. All the food was c

as especially so for Alicia and Alice who was directly related to the Alpha and Luna, they weren't their usual bubbly self, they just sat close to each other in the corner, their face dried of tears and eyes staring into empty space. They had cried so muc

re or else we will become slaves to this bloodsuckers” it was Bill, the head of security that spoke up. The spell that wa

he pack taking away all our valuables, they will surely

mall crowd of chained people. Some shook their head while others said no, no one wanted to lose their freedom. Bill continued

do?” another pa

bsentminded twins in the corner and he called out to them, “Luna Alicia and Luna Alice, w

d a look in surprise at the way they were addressed, “Y..you talkin

ach other since we were just children. But as of right now, we don't have the luxury of mourning them, we need to figure out a way to move everyone out of here safely first. By tradition, both of you are now the leaders of the pack, it's not the right

new Bill was right, the pack was their responsibility now whe

s short and we are just going to win

ives. I can't ensure everyone's safety so let your instincts drive you, if you see a good time to

e to check if there were any vampire there. As if luck was on their sid

nd for many years so it wasn't very solid, the door broke open after the second try. Bill and the men went out first to check if it

t quickly, everyone stayed together, their heart

t, we will gather again at the human town close to the pack by 6pm. Good luck everyone, try to stay alive till then” Bill said hurriedly, attempting a

forest and just as they were about to breath out in relief,

not be that far” it wasn't hard to hear as

o the forest and remeet tomorrow at the human town. Good luck” Bill said and everybody immediately di

t hunt or train because they saw it as barbaric, so their father or some wolves usually brought meat from the forest for

e very much” Alice cussed frustrated as a

me” Alicia sa

orest they never liked, ironic how it's

Alice asked, shifting clo

ce behind them. The footsteps and voices were getting closer, supernaturals had heightened sense of sm

e didn't like shifting to her wolf form, she said it made her extremely vulnerable and she d

sely behind me” Alicia assured as she grabbed her sister's hand and squeeze

differentiating feature was the pattern of of the colors. They took off into the forest, jumping rocks and navigating thr

er the wolves by tracing their scent. True to Billy's word, it was a bit h

o the forest it was even harder to navigate through. The

do now?” Alice sent a mindlink

ed the air deeply with her eyes closed. There were different scents that trickled her nose an

be close, we are still in the right

he vampires are gaining on

into their nose and made them halt. It was a sweet smell of pines and

She had never smelt anything else so divine, she was tempted to fin

like she was high from alcohol, she didn't even wait f

er. She suspected it had something to do with the strange scent, while she was able to

rough mindlink. Alice was running on full speed back to where the scent was coming from which

, just when she was almost losing hope, Alice suddenly slipped on a ro

u, you were going straight back to the va

ootsteps. In seconds they were surrounded by vampire

hters” one of the vampire was heard

kness to see the so called king who ordered for the ruin of their pack. As the fig

as an abyss, seeming to draw them in the more they looked. It was funny how the reason f

themselves as a word ca


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