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Beyond the moon's glow.

Beyond the moon's glow.

Moon Muse


Alicia and Alice were over pampered twins, spoilt to a fault. They got whatever they wanted as long as they requested it from their parents who were the Alpha and Luna of knighthood pack. They were literally living the born with a silver spoon life, they were lazy to work, train and cared little about the pack. One fateful day, the pack was attacked by the ruthless and bloodthirsty vampires. Being so unprepared, the pack was easily conquered and the Alpha and Luna were killed right in front of the twins. The remaining wolves were taken in as slaves, Alicia and Alice included. The twins were forced to face the harsh realities of life and unfortunately, they couldn't bend this one to their will. They finally get to meet the orchestrator of the attack, it was head of the vampires, king Azalea. Handsome but cruel, he hated wolves with every fiber in his body. As if fate was still not done with them yet, The twins mate turned out to be the king of vampires who killed their parents. How does it play out from here? The twins hated their vampire mate for what he did to their pack and parents and king Azalea hated the twins as well. Their future together already looked so bleak, could the moon goddess had made a mistake pairing them together? Follow this story to know how the twins learnt responsibility and duty the hard way and maybe, the hate can turn to love?

Chapter 1 TRAINING

“I was thinking that maybe the twins could join us today in training. They are of age and their agemates already started training since their first shift” Head of security, Bill said.

“Training? I have spoken to them about it before but they said they weren't interested, I think it's best to let them be” Alpha Louis said with a wave of his hand and a cheeky smile on his face. He loved his girls and would move the mountains if they asked him to. Perhaps, it was due to being barren for twenty years before the moon goddess blessed them with Alicia and Alice that he chose to pamper them. They were the apple of their parents' eyes and they didn't want any blemish on their skin. They just clocked eighteen but they still had maids to their beck and call, they had drivers to drive them around and literally lived like a princess.

“B... But...” Bill wanted to say something but he shut his mouth instead. He wasn't that surprised at the Alpha's behavior, everyone knew that the twins were over pampered by their parents. He knew by now, his words would do nothing as this wasn't the first time he has brought up the topic of training the twins. He felt like the Alpha and Luna were being too relaxed, they haven't been attacked for years, which doesn't mean they shouldn't train, they needed to be alert at all times because they never know what's going to happen tomorrow. This was especially so for the twins, they were going to be future leaders of the pack and they needed to be able to fight for their people and lead them with strength. The twins now possessed no such traits, they only cared about themselves and material things. He was afraid that it wouldn't be too late when they realized the responsibilities on their shoulders.

Bill and Alpha Louis discussed a little further before Bill left to continue his work. Louis checked his time and immediately jumped up in alarm.

“Shit” he cussed before rushing out of the office and towards his house. It was the twins' birthday today and he wanted to give them a surprise birthday party. This house has been busy with decorations and cooking as they only had a few hours left before the party.

“Hey honey, you're done at the office?” Luna Anna asked as she came up to meet Louis who just entered the living room which was turned into a temporary hall for the party.

Louis nodded and said, “Yes, how are the preparations coming along and where are the girls?”

“We are almost done here, just a few finishing touches left. The girls are still at the spa, I booked them a full session so by 6pm, they should be ready and dressed for the party” Anna replied excitedly, bouncing up and down as she spoke like a teenager.

“It’s 5pm already, I should go pick them up” Louis said as he checked his watch again. The spa was just a guise to set up the surprise party, he was supposed to pick them up at the spa and bring them home unsuspiciously.

“Yes go, we'll finish up here and everyone will be in position waiting” Anna said



They waved each other goodbye before Louis went on his way. He picked one of his cars, a red Ferrari and took off to the spa where Alicia and Alice were. The spa was in the next town after his pack, it was a human town. In the modern world they lived in, everyone knew who supernaturals were and everyone minded their business as long as the other species didn't cause any trouble. It's been decades since any war of any kind happened, everyone has just been living peacefully and happily. It was why Alpha Louis was so relaxed on training, he didn't see the need to when there was no sign of war.

As he arrived at the spa, humans greeted him politely, afterall an Alpha had equal rights to a governor or president.

Alicia and Alice stepped out of the spa a few seconds later with glowing faces, Louis beamed with pride on his face as he saw them. Their golden hair was the same as Anna's, their gray eyes were from louis', they had pointed nose, thin lips and round face. A differentiating feature that was used to tell them apart was that Alicia had a small birthmark right under her lips, but with makeup hiding the mark, they were completely identical. They were beautiful, no doubt, their mates were going to have to deal with an overprotective father.

“Oh my, look at my two beautiful girls, all grown up” Louis said as soon as he saw them.

The girls giggled in excitement as they walked over to their dad's car, “Dad, how do I look?” Alice said with a wide smile, she knew what her father would say but she still asked anyway. She loved compliments no matter how frequent it was.

“You look like an angel my darling” Louis emphasized by forming wings with his hands.

Alice giggled while Alicia rolled her eyes, “Oh please Dad, don't lead her on... She might actually think she's really one” Alicia smirked and got into the car.

Alice gasped at her statement and whined like a child, “Dad!!! Alicia is being rude to me” she stomped her leg on the ground and pouted.

Louis chuckled and started the car engine, “Alicia don't be rude to your sister, Alice baby, get in, I have a special surprise waiting for you at home” he said as he bent over a little to look at her through the car window.

Alice's eyes lit up and she quickly got into the car, “Really Dad? A gift just for me?” she asked excitedly. She loved the fact that the gift he promised was unique to her alone, most of the time she got gifts matching with Alicia.

“Yes dear, let's go home then and find out”


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