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Moon Muse


After her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, Kira found solace in a stranger from a one night stand. But when the very same stranger becomes her professor, Kira's world is thrown into chaos. With a forgotten necklace as the only clue, a fake Kira emerges, setting off a high-stakes game of deception. Will the truth prevail or will love be lost amidst the loads of lies?

Chapter 1 SLEEP WITH ME.

Kira's POV.

"Hit me harder, Mason! Yeah, baby…that's it!"

I was standing in the doorway of my boyfriend's room. We had been dating for years, and yet... I was not the woman in the bed that he was pounding senselessly.

I trusted him, and in a matter of seconds, that illusion disastrously shattered into a million pieces.

Nothing could blind my eyes to the awful visual I was exposed to. The girl was on all fours, hands clutching the bedsheet, whilst Mason was situated behind her, panting like a hungry dog as he thrusted into her.

"Yes baby…Fuck that kitty... Harder baby!


Mason gripped her at the waist to smash himself against her with a frenzied quickness.

"God… you…you feel…so damn good! I want us…to do this…everyday babe." she said erratically, trying to speak as her body jerked in motion to Mason's pounding.

And then, as if he wasn't close enough, he threw himself forward. His large hand found the back of her head, smushing her face into the pillow whilst he humped her wildly.

Fuck…I'm close!" with each second, his manly grunts grew into growls as his body got ready to explode in release.

Whilst beneath him the girl's feminine moans morphed into screams of pleasure, loud and high pitched, even when muffled by the pillow she was shoved into. Together they hit peaks and made the medium sized bed, rock like a boat swaying to rough seas.

I didn't know what snapped me out of my frozen state of shock, but just as they slumped down, I found the courage to scream.


It was then I saw the face of the lady in his bed. It was Scarlett, my best friend!

Huh? My boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend?

"How could you two do this to me!?"

The look on their faces explained it all. It wasn't their first time together.

"Mason, how could you? After all the years we've been together?"

I couldn't wrap my head around why he chose to cheat with my best friend. Just then, a heavy bombshell hit me hard on the face.

"Listen, Mason and I have been seeing each other for like months now. It's a pity you had to find out this way." Scarlett revealed.

Months? Did she just say she had been making out with my boyfriend before now?

"You were going to find out about us soon anyways." Scarlett added, with a smirk on her lips.

"Mason, tell me it's not true. " I blurted out amidst tears as I looked in his direction.

He looked startled as his sweaty face whipped round to face me. But I didn't dare wait for his response. I fled, rushing out of the house.

I should've seen this coming... I should realize by now that my life was destined to be one of misery.

As though the heavens were against me, it grumbled and roared angrily and a heavy downfall came. And like that, broken and devastated, I knelt on the cold ground, grabbed the beer lying next to me and gulped it down my throat, crying as the rain drained me.

Tired of crying, I stood and staggered off. I didn't know where I was headed to, because of so much liquor.It was now controlling me.

Like a drunkard, drained and horny, I stepped into the club. All I needed right now was a man. I needed one so badly.

In front of an unknown room, I rested to catch my breath but the door opened and I fell in.

Filled with fear, I gasped and closed my eyes, preparing my mind for the worst to happen, but to my surprise, I fell on something broad, strong and firm.

Wait! Since when did the floor become this comfortable?

My hands roamed about and I looked up, but I couldn't see a thing due to how dark the room was.

I was circled against a masculine broad chest. The strong smell of his shampoo filled my nose, causing me to frown. It was definitely a man but why wasn't he moving?

"Hey Mister, are you a statue? Why are you standing my way huh? Do you want to bully me like they did? Do you also think I'm worthless and stupid?" I mumbled like a mad woman, poking the chest of the stranger before my brow was pinched softly.

A sudden gasp left my lips and I covered my mouth.

"Gracious god! You have a lot of strong packs." I blurted out, as I ran my hands through his chest and my eyes traveled to the towel wrapped around his waist. Like a mad woman, I buried my head and took a sniff.

"Gosh! How can a statue smell this good?" His strong masculine scent alone made me heat up the more.

"Let me make a deal with you, statue. My body is on fire. Sleep with me and I will pay you any amount you want. My father is super rich, I can sneak in and steal money from him." I paused for a while.

"How much do you need? One million? Two? Three? Name your price and I promise not to cheat you. Just sleep with me please." I continued.

"Why won't you sleep with me? Is it because you're a two minute man? Is that why you're ashamed that you won't be able to satisfy me?"

The stranger's ego was crushed to pieces and his brow knitted in annoyance.

My waist was circled firmly and I was pinned against the wall.

"You want me to have sex with you, huh?" His thick hoarse voice made my eyes widen in horror.

He wasn't a statue, he was fucking real.

"You won't be able to walk when you wake up tomorrow."

I almost choked on nothing. I could swear my walls tightened at the sound of his hoarse voice.

He reached out and rubbed my soft red cheeks.

"So you will sleep with me then?" My eyes shone in expectation.

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