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Moon Muse


"Sign the documents. I will give you six months of power and wealth as my wife to take revenge." Phoebe, a twenty five year old artist, who lost all her family to a gruesome murder in one night, was faced with betrayal from her best friend and fiance. On a journey to clear her head, she encounters a stranger and has a one night stand with him. Unknown to her, the stranger was the famous wealthy Lord Sebastian in New york.

Chapter 1 WHAT A JERK!

Chapter one.

Phoebe's POV.

"I'll have a gold Rolex wristwatch." I said to the sales girl, wearing a smile on my lips.

It was Jason's birthday and I needed to get him something very nice. I had to save up for months, to be able to afford the gold wristwatch.

"Here you go ma'am." The sales girl handed the packaged wristwatch to me alongside the receipt.

As I walked out of the store, I tried to imagine how Jason would react on receiving the gift. It was something he had always wanted to have.

"Wellington road?" I asked, as I flagged down a taxi.

"Yes. 20 dollars only." The taxi driver replied, picking his teeth with a toothpick. He looked as though he was in his fifties.

"But I went there yesterday with just 10 dollars sir."

The old man got furious and switched the tone of his voice.

"If you do not have 20 dollars, let me go. I don't transport poor people."

Lol. Did he just say that?

If he was rich as claimed, then what was he doing at his age as a taxi driver?

I wasn't ready to banter words with him that evening, so I decided to take the taxi.

I had exactly 20 dollars left in my purse, if I let him go, I might encounter someone with a higher charge.

"I'll pay 20 dollars sir."

"Good. Get in."

I got into the taxi and kept my face by the window, enjoying the cool breeze.

I wanted to put a call across to Jason that I was close to his apartment, but on second thought I decided not to. It's better to be a surprise, I thought.

"We are here now, young lady. My money." The old man asked rudely, staring with outstretched palms.

His voice jerked me out of the train of my thoughts. I hurriedly reached out for the money in my purse and handed it over to him.

"Get out fast!"

I wanted to yell back at him but I stopped from doing so because he was way older than I was. He probably had a bad day, I thought.

I stepped out of the taxi and approached Jason's apartment. I tried opening it but it was locked from inside, so I decided to use my spare key.

"Honey!" I called out as I entered the apartment. He was probably taking a nap in his room, poor him.

As I flung the door of my fiance's room open, I was met with the biggest shock of my life.

It had to be a dream. I pinched myself to be sure I was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream. Everything right in front of me was real.

"Oh my god! Why didn't you call to tell me you were coming over?" Jason asked, looking furious.

Huh? Was that all he was going to say, after I caught him in bed with my best friend? He wasn't even sorry at all. What a jerk!

"B… but today is your birthday. I… I came to surprise you." I stammered, trying to fight back the tears forming in my eyes.

"You should have still called me. Do you like what you see?" He asked, with a smirk forming on his lips.

At that point, I felt my strength leave me. I was too weak to fight back the tears, as I watched my best friend, Natasha, plant a kiss on Jason's lips.

"Natasha… how… How could you? You're my best friend." I blurted out amidst tears.

Natasha let out a mock laughter. She was actually not ashamed of herself.

"I know I'm your best friend phoebe but have you ever asked me if you were my best friend?"

What?! How could she say that to me? Was I the one forcing the friendship all these years? If she didn't want it, why didn't she tell me about it before now?

"I never liked you, Phoebe. You're a poor lady, struggling to make ends meet for yourself. You don't deserve Jason. I can take care of him." Natasha added.

Oh it was clear now. Jason decided to be with Natasha because of her rich background?

"Is that it Jason? You decided to cheat on me with my best friend because of her wealth? How about all we shared? The times you told me you loved me, were they all lies?" I asked, searching his eyes for answers.

He looked me straight in the eyes and smiled mischievously.

"All my life, I have only loved just one woman. And that's Natasha."

My whole world came crashing down that moment. His words were like a heavy blow on my face.

"You're evil Jason! You said you loved me." I fired at him.

Jason wrapped his arms around Natasha and drew her close as he inhaled her smell.

"Mmmhhh… Can you smell that Phoebe? She smells of money."

I knew I should be out of there already, but I needed answers to the thousands of questions in my head.

"If you didn't love me then why did you ask me out?" I asked, sniffing my nose.

Jason rolled his eyes and snapped his finger in the air.

"It's simple, girl, you had what I wanted. Right now, you're no longer of use to me."

It was all clear now. He asked me to be in a relationship with him because my family was wealthy in the past.

My family used to own a large oil company but it went bankrupt and was closed down. Shortly after, all my family were murdered in cold blood while I was away at my grandmother's place.

I fell from grace to grass with no family, left with Jason and Natasha. But right now, it dawned on me that I was alone. They had left me a long time ago.

"So… so… you're not sorry?" I stammered, with so much pain in my heart.

The duo nodded their heads in affirmation. I didn't wait to hear the rest of their harsh words, as I ran out of the apartment without looking back.

I ran till there was no strength left in me. I stopped running and staggered into a bustling bar by the road side.

I needed to drink. The pain inside of me was consuming me badly.

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