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Moon Muse


Rich and Sassy billionaire heiress, Ciara Arthurs gets involved in a scandal with her personal secretary. Will she marry him to save her reputation? Or allow her company's name to wallow in the mud?


A young lady walked out of the hospital, holding a test result in her hands. There was a grin on her face as she went through it.

She was finally pregnant and was going to have an heir. The baby in her womb was going to solve all of her problems and she wouldn't be needing that piece of trash she got married to.

"Thank you son, for coming. I can't wait to see you. Now that you're here, it would only be a matter of time before I kick your father out." She said, as she rubbed her belly intermittently.

There was rare happiness and joy in her eyes, which had been missing all her life. She walked towards the car and entered carefully.

"Where am I taking you to, ma'am?"

"Just drive me home." She said, after thinking for a while.

Ciara smiled at her belly as she adjusted her seatbelt and looked at the rear view mirror.

From being involved in a scandal, to getting pregnant for a low life . At first, she wasn't happy with the arranged marriage but having an heir gave her a reason to be happy.

"We're home, miss." The driver announced, breaking the chain of her thoughts.

Ciara stepped out of the car and walked into the mansion which stood proudly among the most expensive properties of the estate in the heart of Belgium.

With slow and careful steps, she walked past the gate, pressed the passcodes and entered. On getting into the sitting room, she heard her father shouting on top of his voice.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Ask this piece of trash." Papa Jude Arthur replied in anger, pointing to the young man in front of him.

Earlier, Papa Jude Arthurs ordered him to get him a glass of wine.

The young man was Aslan! Aslan Smith was the young mistress' husband.

Two years ago, the Arthurs family's only daughter, Ciara Arthur, got married to Aslan.

Ciara only got married to him because she had to save her name from a scandal she got involved in. Aslan was just a piece of trash that was used by the Arthurs, and would soon be dumped.

It was Ciara's Aunt, Alice, who came up with the idea of an arranged marriage. Unfortunately, a few days after the union, she passed on. That made Aslan a jinx, aside from being a piece of trash.

Ever since he got married to Ciara, they had never been pleased with his actions. They always found faults in him and treated him like a slave. Even now, he wasn't able to please them when he was asked to get a glass of wine.

Ciara could feel her head was a mash. A lot of things were running in her mind. Why did Aslan have to cause problems for her and her family daily? How did she get involved with this poor brat? She could feel a headache forming.

All he had to do was to go bring a glass of wine and carefully drop it in front of Papa Jude.

Instead, he came back with a glass of water.

What could he ever do right?

"Aslan what did we ever do to you in your previous life that you're torturing us this way?"

"But… but I thought he asked for a glass of water." Aslan stammered, as he tried to defend himself.

"Just shut up, Aslan! Ever since you came into my life, it hasn't been the same. It's all your fault!" Ciara fired as her finger almost jabbed Aslan in the face.

Aslan just looked down facing the ground, as he knew all that was said was the truth.

Seeing him remain indifferent and acting like a good for nothing, Ciara flared up even more.

"Can't you even rebuke others when they're lambasting you? Are you still a man? All my life, I haven't seen anyone as useless as you."

Ciara angrily climbed the stairs and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

Immediately, Papa Jude landed a slap on Aslan's face.

"Look at what you've done. Look at how angry you've made her! Very soon, I'll throw out your sorry ass."

Aslan bit his lips slightly without saying a word. Only when Papa Jude left for his room, did he approach Ciara's room.

He opened the door carefully, only to be greeted by a pillow, thrown directly at his head.

"What are you doing here!? Don't you think you can enter my room just because we're married. The quarters downstairs, is where you belong."

In the past two years, Aslan and Ciara had never lived as a normal couple even though they were married in name. They only got intimate twice over Papa Jude's instruction, so they could have an heir.

Ciara lived upstairs in a large bedroom. Aslan on the other hand, lived in a small room which was no larger than three square meters.

Aslan walked forward and picked up an envelope lying on the floor. It was the test result! It had fallen from the bed, when she threw the pillow at him.

There was another pillow in Ciara's hands that she was about to throw at him, but she paused on hearing his words.

"You're pregnant!?"

Ciara raised her brows and dropped the pillow.

"Yes I'm pregnant. So what?"

"It's good news. I'm going to be a father soon."

"You know what, just get out of here before I lose it!" Ciara ordered.

"Fine." Aslan said as he walked out of the room.

Just as he was about climbing down the stairs, Papa Jude and Mama Anna saw him.

Mama Anna rushed up to Aslan as though she was crazy. Without saying a word, she slapped him right in the face.

"You! What do you think you're doing? Why are you coming out of that room?". Mama Anna asked in anger.

But seeing Aslan remained mute, she decided to call out Ciara from the room herself.

"Ciara, come out here! Have you hurt your head?"

Ciara rolled her eyes.

"Of course not. I just asked him to bring me a glass of water to drink, mum."

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