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Veil of Eternity

Veil of Eternity


Chapter 1 The Haunting Attraction

Word Count: 630    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

lagued her every night. In these chilling visions, a mysterious figure, barely discernible amidst the shadows, would appear, beckoning her towards an unk

walk. The woods were dense and foreboding, but she felt an inexplicable pull, as though some unseen force was guidin

he sounds of nocturnal creatures intensified. Yet, Eliza's curiosity outwei

ned mansion. The decrepit building stood tall and imposing, a testament to forgotten grandeur. Windows boarded up, ivy creeping

cursed, and many believed it to be a sanctuary for malevolent spirits and restless ghosts. Tales of myster

s it. The whispers of the past beckoned her inside, as if the walls themselves were ca

ugh the silent night. The interior was dimly lit by the faint glow of the moon, casting e

rie silence enveloped her, broken only by the soft echo of her footsteps. The

a mere skeleton of its former glory. A grand chandelier, now tarnished and encrusted with co

hill down Eliza's spine. She turned, searching for the source of the sound, and that's

air of sorrow and longing, and yet, there was something strangely familiar about him. Eliza's hear

he realms of the living and the dead. His eyes held a haunting depth, filled with emotions

ed before her. Before she could utter a word, a chilling whisper filled the air, reson

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