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Veil of Eternity

Chapter 4 The villager's wrath

Word Count: 1267    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

ed with a mix of fear, frustration, and determination. She had to find the village elder, the man who h

the moon filtering through the thick canopy of trees. The forest seemed to close in

ucture, much like the mansion, but there was a sense of authority and power emanating from it. She hesitated

The door creaked open, and there stood the village elder, a stern expression

l?" he asked, his voic

keep her voice steady. "Please, it's about Gabr

enough of your lies and deceit. You have brought darkness upon this villa

eg you to listen," she pleaded. "Gabriel is not a malevolent spirit. He is tormented and s

ptical. "You expect me to believe this nonsense? I've seen the signs—the strange occurr

but I have seen the good in Gabriel. He regrets his past actions and seeks peace. If we c

no saving him, and there is no saving you if you continue down this path. You are end

! The real danger lies in your ignorance and fear. If you would only open your

his house. The mob of villagers had followed Eliza's trail and now s

He turned to Eliza, his voice wavering. "You have brought this upon yourself,

de. She knew that she couldn't reason with them in their current state of fea

e elder's house, slipping into the darkness once more. She knew she couldn't return to the mansion; it was too

couldn't bear the thought of losing Gabriel or being forced to leave the village that had been

ded clearing deep within the woods. She collapsed onto t

ind. It was Gabriel, reaching out to her from the mansion

riel. But things have taken a dangerous turn. The villagers are convin

"I'm sorry for causing you so much troub

iel. I made the choice to be with you, and I stand by that decisio

he said, his voice tinged with hope. "There is an ancient ritual that can reveal

ed. "What kind of ritual i

Truth. Legend had it that the mirror had the power to reveal the true nature of a person or spirit.

t could be dangerous for both Gabriel and Eliza. It would require them to tap in

ance at convincing the villagers. She was willing to do

ed to the mansion, determined to perform the ritual. They made their way t

on washed over them. They held hands, drawing strengt

ight engulfed them. Images from Gabriel's past flashed before their e

ing that Gabriel had caused in his former life. But she also s

st, revealing Eliza's own fears and insecuritie

h and resilience that had all

and Eliza and Gabriel were left standing before

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