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The Angel of Death

Chapter 6 The Unseen Threat

Word Count: 424    |    Released on: 19/07/2023

forgiveness to those who had strayed into darkness. She urged them to recognize t

urn away from their misguided quest for power. They joined forces with Amelia and her allies, vow

brook began the process of healing. The town's inhabitants, having

guardian. Together with her allies, she established safeguards to prevent the resurgence o

r allies. The memory of the Angel of Death had become a distant echo, fading into the ann

at even the faintest spark of negativity could tip the scales and invite malevolent forces back into

that lurked in the shadows. People reported unexplained phenomena, strange occurrences

texts, seeking insight into supernatural forces that might threaten their fragile peace. She discovered references

er thrived on the fear and doubt of the townsfolk. It sought to exploit their vulnera

dfast in the face of fear. She emphasized the power of collective strength and the im

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