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The Angel of Death

Chapter 3 Lingering Spirit

Word Count: 346    |    Released on: 19/07/2023

avering resolve, they returned to Willowbrook. The town

a palpable tension. It saw the Sibling of Life, a flicker of recognition crossing its sp

a dance of opposing energies. The skies above Willowbrook crackled with

a surge of healing energy, enveloping the Angel of Death. The da

presence vanishing into thin air. The town of Willowbrook breathed a collectiv

ng that the balance between life and death was restored. Gratitude and hope swelled wi

to fade from the collective consciousness of Willowbrook. The town had found pe

e Angel's presence still circulated among the townsfolk, triggering occasional bouts of u

l cast a subtle shadow over Willowbrook. Determined to protect the community she had come to love, she

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