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A Lycan's Tears

Chapter 3 The Betrayal

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 19/07/2023

3: The B


k. The woman quickly pulled the blanket to cover her naked body. While

t are you doing, Darius? Really? On our anniversary?” The girl’s eyes widened in terror. I glared at her. E

ink he could do this to me. I thought I was the only one he wan

“Hang on there. Don’t you fucking dare to leave

like this,” Why am I the one who’s begging now? Shouldn’t he be the one to

trayed me! I can’t accept this madness. I just can’t. I shook my head furious

betrayal because you’re my mate!” His face went sideways, but he

he sorry? He’s saying that as if this is just n

t change that you will never forgive me.” I close my mouth shut. “And one more thing. Don’t

d in pure disbelief, “You changed.” He chuckled dryly. He wore his shirt and pants, “Y

ause we grew up together, you’re mistaken then. You don’t even know I c

lapped his cheeks again. “Bastard. You’re even the prince. How could

impossible. I closed my fist tightly and punched his face. He backe

se to cheat,” He laughed sarcastically. “Yes,

Anyone who can see you in this state will be surp

l me he forgot that it is our anniversary today. “You forg

our anniversary,” I bit my lip and cried. I coul

you did. Let me ask you then, how long have you been fooling me?” He looked

out of love? How? How could you say that? I’m always giving you attention. I was there when you needed me the most. I was fucki

my head furiously, “NO, you’re not sorry! Stop saying you’re fucking

sted by your action. I love you more than myself, but… you hurt me,” I cried. I wiped the tears fr

e need to break up,” he said. Where did he get the c

then? But I’m telling you, you will lose me forever. Is that what you want?

ily’s butler. What does he need? “My lady! I’ve been looking for you.

worriedly. He looks like he wants to

rrowed. “What happened to them?” he

d your mother… she died,” My world

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