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A Lycan's Tears

Chapter 5 Her Promise

Word Count: 1293    |    Released on: 20/07/2023

5: Her


burial, and my father managed to attend, but the royal warriors surrounded him

the heavy rain poured after loud lightning and thunder. Tears kept falling as I

t something will never come true. He’s not even guilty at all for hurting me, c

trial. If he were proven guilty, the king would give his puni

and ensure everyone knows he’s innocent.

r. Yuan hesitated at first but slowly nodded. I guess he understood

ens today, I want you to know I love you. I always d

your name like she was telling me to look after you. But… It seems I can’

today, I’ll accept it. If I was proven gui

because you didn’t do anything against the king

e have many enemies, honey. They won’t stop until they have my h

e here. Just trust yourself. Anyone can pretend good but evil in

e killed her. I still don’t know who, but I’m doing everyt

I was devastated when I discovered that.” I can’t mo

cy inside the palace to know the truth. I’m counting on you, my daughter.” I nodded. As

you and your father’s arrival,” I looked over Mr. Yuan’s place

n King and Queen sitting on their throne. The same as my mate sitting on the c

d sat down beside my father. On my right side, Nathan is sitting down. Nathan is the son of

dded, “Okay then, shall we proceed? May I call Mr. Victor Craine

t the result. How could they do this to my father

an King will give his punishment now,” I stood up. I was about to

n this place witnessed this trial. Everything is fair. As the Lycan King, I’m here to state the punishment

do some action like that. Forgive me, but I need to do this,”

is kingdom and will be sentenced to death. Your head will

that happen!” They all looked at me. I wanted to cry and

ady?” One of the council members a

s this way after all the good things we have done for this kingdom and your family, your majesty?” I brave

ng to save us, but he sat down again and remained silent. I

des, I saw you flirt with the man beside you earlier,” he said, which made me lo

u’re not behaving well, young lady. You don’t de

this kingdom.” My father quickly looked at him.

father tried to approach the kin

will leave after her father di

to go out. They prepare to cut his hea

pt calling my father’s name and begging them to let hi

filled my heart. The only thing I can see is blood. At that mo

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