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The Billionaire's Pet

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1486    |    Released on: 20/07/2023

e floor-length mirror in Cynthia’s bedroom. Her chocolate skin glow

ith a semi-sweetheart neckline. It hugged her bo

sked, poking her head into

ian replied

at seemed to be glued to her caramel skin. The t

el, Cynthia was short and a bit on the plump sid

ting in Momma D’s living room in he

get things rolling, especially Vivian. She was c

expensive perfumes following her. She was a plump middl

in her extravagantly adorned oxblood kaftan. She w

makeup was flawless, giving her a doll-like look. Her olive skin

. “Sorry, I kept you ladies waiting

Cynthia said

you told me about?” Momma

his is

tunning,” Momma

she replied

her how things work h

tly. “Stand up, Vivian. Let

but she felt self-conscious when Momma D continued t

then return to your seat

he older woman’s eyes followed her as she walked. When she ret

” Momma D t

l just give you a quick recap. I am the matron in charge here; I supply you with yo

ded in und

ing you make,” Momma D continued, “but being that y

r throat nervousl

The additional ten percent covers y


it’s nothing too serious. It’s just me making sure that you won’t leave here and start running your mouth about my business. Ou

odded her hea

lawyer bring the papers shortly. In the meantime, why

” Cynthia s

minutes later, a dashing young man showed

eamed in the sunlight as he walked. When he took off his sunglasses,

ed excitedly. “Welcome, d

th a wink and pecked one of he

ian,” Chic


ned to Vivian. “He has brought the

y at Cynthia who nodded

he said

Her mood had suddenly elev

ment which simply explained what Momm

r clients to anyone. If she did, she’d have to pay Momma D the su

a D after every job she did. She signed the document with a shaky

ut of the way, I can now officially wel

dreams, Vivian,” she added confidently. “This may not be the easiest

ith a grin. “It’s the passion

rom Momma D in response. “Naughty

wasn’t just professional but intimate too. She could fee

you to your first client, Vivia

to sleep with some rich guy and make sure he

efore. This one was modeled like a cruise sh

irytale movie. She went to the reception desk to introduc

e to meet her first client. Vivian tried her best to compose herself, but she

titution with Cynthia by her side, but her friend h

e penthouse. Vivian tentatively stepped in and looked around c

n she noticed that there wa

robe appeared from an inner room. “Hey, yo

in one hand and a half-

Vivian said, usi

have an alias in this business because it wasn

an accent. He seemed a bit drunk, and Vivian se

ou are!” He excl

ou,” she

er. “Want a drink? My frien

r fr

room but he’ll be here

ed. “Why is your

white sofa in the middle of the room. “Didn’t your co

e must be a mistake somewhere. My contact told

ar. I told MD that I needed a girl for me and

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