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Samantha at the World's Fair

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 3969    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

citement wuz intense durin' the hull of the long time that the warfare lasted as t

it wuz doubtful if he ever would be settled down agin, and act in a

he fightin' and quarrelin' between the

ld have seen it, and he would have said that he would

s wuz jest a-follerin' them other cities up tight, a-worryin' 'em, and a-nagg

how much calculation he had about him. No, that wuz impossible. He had to be in one place. And they fit, and they

ce for it, bein' as it wuz clost to the ocean, so many foreigners would fl

their truck, and then imegiatly embark agin on a periongor or wagon, or car, or sunthin, and go a-trailin' off t

ey would keep on till they got there, if they had to go the hull length of the Misisippi River, an

t like all children who have growed fast, and ki

ows it. She knows she is smart, and she is bound to hav

he would. And like as not if she hadn't got it she would have t

and jawed, and coaxed, and kinder cried, and carried the

cuttin' up and a-actin' jest

d spryer, and could kick s

ts jints wuz stiffer, and it had lost some of i

ells of kinder losin' its m

ork cut up fearful a-fightin' for the honor

spozed it wuz possible for her to kick at her age, and hollered

Saviour of his Country sleep by the side of the Founder of it-why, New York acted

resounded on every side, and wuz heard all over the

ro sleep there, she would build a mon

nument that would to

ost impressive work of art

, she cut up so, that she

do as she agre

er, a sort of a stupor, I guess, a-follerin' on aft

nument wuz raised, not a sign of one. She lie

rked by even a decent memorial, let alone

ng and Story and History-when they ariv in New York, most t

d in the dazzlin' halls of their Kings. And them halls had felt honored to h

e tombs of their own great dead under the magestic aisles of Westmins

aries to civilize them, could raise such a tomb over its dead, and a woman too, who had done no great things, only loved the man who raised this incomparable

aused before the tomb of the Great Leader-and he see nothin'. Not even a respectable grave-stun, such as you see in any New

ake all the cool blue waters that glide along below, a-complainin' of the slight and insult to

er she wuz well or whether she wuz sick,

emained that she had bragged, and then g

he wuz out

f a performance she went throu

er to us as a present, it looked sort o' shabby in New Yor

f she only had a place to stand up on-and the great co

p the world, if she only

t things! Oh, what a big, noble door-step it wuz a

about what she said she wuz a-goin' to do-and left that noble female, left that prin

p on! The Great Republic a-stretchin' out on e

blic-sperited newspaper man, who took the matter up, and worked at it, and called public attention to it, till at l

, a layin' round with her legs all double

than right, what it promised and bound itself to do, to make som

solemn that she would make '

New York said about it, about the most gorgus and impressive

exhibition there, did

Columbian Exposition come and no arch for it to walk under, not a arc

, losin' its faculties every once in a w

keep a-comin' up, and the country had to pay attention to it-what if she got the World's Fai

and she not have any place for it, and mebby be out of her head so she co

resky, and that, I have always spoze

etofore, Chicago wuz jest bo

young child that cries for another big apple when bot

air, but hadn't got any

r) till it got it. And then, lo! and behold! where wuz she

rsepitable. And she didn't really want to put it out onto a prairie. And she couldn't put it right round under her feet, where

onorable enough to not w

d to split the Christopher Columbus World's Fair into some like this-put the Christopher p

't say a word or make a move to break it up, or make their

side to my Josiah about it, abou

y, he ort to be kep hull, and not be broke into, and split apar

rence whether I made a move or not. He guessed Chicago

mforter, and I had a lot of pins in m

o me, to think they hadn't no place

oomed my wor

arer-had got as fur as Old Bobbet's, and we hadn't a place to put it in that wuz suitable and strong enough-we couldn't git her head hardly in the stable, we couldn't le

her head hardl

pins out of my

t the elephant till I

that I wouldn't have to use my tongue agin. I didn't lay out to

uy things they hadn't no idee of buyin'

eacon Sypher jest sot on havin' it, and that whetted me right up, and I wuz jest bound to have that colt, and did. I di

er and above profitable to have round, besides bein' dretful bothersome, bu

ry and sharp, for I had three

has g

she will put in and work lively, now she

ld's Fair on, before she got a stick laid for Christopher to plant one of his feet on, she begun to buy up hu

ould say if he could stan

ep in and take a

comprehension-that could look fur off into the mist of the onknown, and see a New World risin' up befor

er onto him. He wuz up and about, with his senses all straight

arn secrets that coarser minds round him never dremp of. He didn

f that long street of grog-shops, she would almost be sorry she ever s

iah, "she didn't

wuz willin'

ed about it; wimmen must talk or

dryly, as dry as ever a co

keep their hand in so's to not lose their speech on that very account. I presume

fen them long streets of saloons built up in Chicago, and I wouldn

of their doin' sunthin' that if savage Africans or Inguns wuz a-doin' the World wou

ew of him, or a roast, and that is the end of it; they eat up his flesh, but they don't make n

ts the country over a billion dollars a year, and devours one hundred and twenty thou

nibals in this wickedness as

n with pity on oncivilized races-the Goverment of the United States

a-gittin' madder and madde

cannibals and Hottentots, etc., and let 'em camp

ad got from this shameful traffic. And then I'd have them cannibals jest trot that old man right round to every saloon and rum-hole he had rented and wuz a partn

f infamy in which he wuz in partnership, and I'd make him haul some matches o

-eatin'. And I'll bet after a while they could git the old man up to their level, so if he sot out to kill a man, he would jest ki

k so about Uncle Sam; you have always pretended to l

t. Do you spoze a mother don't like a child when she spanks him for

e him so noble and sot up in lots of things, it jest makes m

d man, and wish

l if I sot down and see him stalk right o

the fire because he got mad? No; she would haul him back, and the more he

n of all the different nations that will camp round it at the Christopher Columbus Exhibiti

n on if a man gits drunk. Why don't you pitc

top branches. Of course they are more showy and easy to git holt

more for dabblin' on the surface than divin' down under the water for first

in' up to Zoar on business, and are a-goin' to stop as they come ba

in' here to dinner! Why'e-

and went to makin

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