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Samantha at the World's Fair

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3431    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

l bring back all of the circumstances a-surrou

I hain't no hand and never wuz to find one word of fault with my dear companion to outsiders, sti

taid to supper with us-I sot there alone, for Josiah had took him back in t

remember well. And though I didn't tell Krit any of my worst tribulations with him, still

d invited their Pa and me to visit a good deal durin' the

sted that I should git a young girl in the neighborhood to help me fo

in', bakin', churnin', an

she that took up with her bo, Almanzo Hagidone, that she wuz in a forgitful state more'n half the time, and liable to carry a armful of wood

up that tight with curl papers that nothin' could git past that ambuscad

her worst stages, where there wuzn't much besides the old cook

ital pints, and must not be meddled with by loonaticks or idiots, and with

bowl of raisins and English currants and things into the kit

I say it that ort not to; it

ne loud enough so's Mary Ann could hear it; and I hummed it,

ur trust in

opes on him,"

while from the wood-shed that she too had broke forth in son

e tombs a mou

singin'-Josiah did when w


f her, and should have done go

fairly bust into the house, all

nd I spoze Deacon Henzy had disseminated some new news to

with Dea

ounsel, which he said wuz a-goin' to be held by t

my best necktie to once, for I

y; for I discourage his

in' half the time, or he would be jest swept to

ayin' out to set off for

mean. And he stopped onbuttonin' his vest-he had onbuttoned his shirt-collar and took his old neck

re a-goin' to git together to counsel together on the best ways of bein' equinomical. And here at last"-sez he proudly-"her

onbutton his shirt-sleev

mly, and as much like a

and act like a human bein' and a Methodis

tlery-piece, and he see I wuz right abo

act, like a Methodist, and

z I. "What do

ez he. "To show myself

in' bound to come to the bottom of the matter,

en and Methodists to be equinomical. And I'll be dumned if there is a man or a Methodi

at it wuz pure economy; and now," sez he, "has come the chance of a lifetime, for me to rise up a

d, and rested my elbow on the table, and

d the different and various ways in which he had showed his equinomical

onwillingness for me to harm and strain myself by approachin' the political pole-still how he had let me wr

valuable insides at Saratoga by his wild efforts to git the fu

t that noble female-as interpreters will, to suit their own idees as males-and how I

rook the idee of his goin', still I thought that I must be as wise as a

k, and by the pensive and thoughtful look in my two gray or

axents to bring up before me some of his latest a

pumpkins of mine, how I-" But I interrupted his almost fervid eloqu

n the balances. Go not too fast, less disapintment attend

e you up above every other man on the face of the globe, and make a lion

d and happy, a

yin' to emulate and outdo. Think of how they have dealt with the cause of wimmen's liberty for the past few years, and tremble. How dast

he wuz a-doin' plainer than

go that Casper Keeler told us about-think how equinomical they wu

s of the church, who raise the minister's salary, run the missionary

h tremblin' fingers wrinkled with age-think of this econimy in not givin' in, not givin' a mite of justice and right to the hull caboodle of such wimmen throughout the length and bread

he had never scaled. He knew he couldn't show off at that Equinomical Counsel by the side of them instances I h

t wimmen set down meekly in a humble pew, and say 'Yea' in a still small voice as a delegate, so 'fraid that it wuz outstrippin' wimmen's proper spear-when these very minister

ez I, "and tremble. And," sez I, still more impressivel

n outdone in his most vital parts, his most tightest ways. He felt truly that

see that I had convinced him about the Equinomical Counsel; he see t

hat time, he spoke o

l at Washington, D.C. I'd love to mingle with 'em, Samantha. You know, and I know, too, that I am one of 'em. Wuzn't I chos

aw-makers, Samantha. I wan

here I see pleadin' and longin'; I see I had a hard job in front of me. I

ide to go. Less bring up some of the laws

n, and be known as one of 'em, less recall some of the lawful incidents of a few months back." Sez I, "We won't raise our skirts and wade back into history to any great depth, and hove out a large quantity of 'em, but will keep i

brung up a few laws and

in's, the Mormons, the Ch

d that longin'

and also the onrighteousness of the liquor laws and the abomination of the license question; I talke

intimate with

laneous way I had used, and begun to bring up little separate instan

in stories in order to impress the masses! You have to hold up the hammer of a p

fferent-mine wuz fac

a.m., and kep stiddy at it till ten p.m., and then not know that I had took any from the heap, so high an

st ones that come into my mind, jest as it is when you go to a pile of potatoes to git some

h cream and butter are jest as s

pardner convinced him; so they wuz jest as good for me to

rs at her hard work and laid up a little money, and finally married a sick young feller more'n half out

will, though he didn't so much as own the she

ve had sent out its strong shoots, and wropped the little life completely round, his brother she had never seen c

concluded this true tale, but h

Samantha; I feel that I wa

wuz not bein' throwed away. So I hurriedly laid holt of another

e a-holdin' her on your knee, and learnin' her the Sunday-school lesson, and both on us a-kissin' her, and a-bru

cisco, the home of the brave and the free, and there put into a place which she thought wuz fur worse t

o a sickenin' den polluted with every crime, and subject to

way at the peril of her life, and wuz taken in by a ch

ve her back into the hands of her brutal master-took he

z our Tirzah An

and then he pulled out his bandanna handker


red and yeller depths. "I'd love to s

u want to go and be intimate wit

es and a-lookin' mad, "no, I

ner-a extra good one. And he never said a

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