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Word Count: 673    |    Released on: 23/07/2023

is whole mess. My whole life was built on satisfying PAPI that even on my birthday I fixed a surprise for him. I began taking shots of whisky while getting ready to receive him. At this

mories of the night before. Here I am in a big t-shirt which doesn't look like PAPI's. Taking a better look at my environment, it looked much more calm and relaxed to be that of PAPI's. Here he comes, a man I have ever met before, wa

ned me never to do such again. I wonder who he was each time, he can't be from this world. PIERE was his name which is French but what was he doing in here,

r his trips and work. I was right he is into dirty business. He was a king in his own ring and here I thought PAPI was the only mafia king. He thought me mu

often up and I saw him in his hard and soft state. Just I had that privilege of seeing him this way. I must be in love so I thought but was scared because I didn't want to

re. My passiveness to love made him draw closer. We were the perfect match, my partner in crime. Given the chance to love in trust but too scared to let go of the past. How patient he is in

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