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Chapter 9 Elias feel

Word Count: 971    |    Released on: 23/07/2023

o captive. He don't know the name of the nation but he heard about it and that is why Elon ruler have asked them to guard their bothers ag

ous that he has a lot of questions in his mind that needs answers. Questions Like, who wipe out the nation?

ity? "Elias ask after sighing countless times. He has this habit of sighing when he is at l

me somehow confused. Taste for power, what doe

lame in them. Deep inside those eyes is loneliness. Vengeance filled his heart as the scene of him carrying his father headless and lifeless body in his hand play in his head. The flashes of how his f

. Always want to be the superior. That is taste for power" Robert said with a deep cold masculine voice without battling an eyelid. Elias shuddered and flinch

omposed himself. He wants to know that nation that was wi

rt said and Elias was shocked. His mother is sir Louis half sister and got married to Ar

jingle nation is your father?" Eli

uestion and Elias don't even know how to react. He don't Know if

to sure I heard you well" Elias with a smile on his f

ke a ..?" Robert asked and swallow the other word when h

y I found a relative" Elias said and

e found a relative?' he

u went out today?" Robert ask as

obert. He never thought he will find a relative in this lifetime, except he got married and have k

s all of a sudden?" Robert asked as he felt like Elias is talking rubbish. Maybe

we are somehow related" Elias reply

ing wild and weird. " Robert reply and took another apple from the bag. Sin

ld fruits" Elias reply almost immediately. He really don't feel good when Robert said he is referring to him as a relative because of the wild fruits he ate. He has been eati

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1 Chapter 1 The Bloody Night2 Chapter 2 The beginning of slavery3 Chapter 3 The gods speaks 4 Chapter 4 The gods speaks II5 Chapter 5 Robert with the warrior6 Chapter 6 Isabelle disagree with his father's idea 7 Chapter 7 The Conversation8 Chapter 8 Elias concern9 Chapter 9 Elias feel 10 Chapter 10 Elias my relative11 Chapter 11 On the trap 12 Chapter 12 Robert Lois with the ruler 13 Chapter 13 Isabelle meet Robert Lois14 Chapter 14 Robert Lois at the prison15 Chapter 15 Harold's thought16 Chapter 16 The conservation17 Chapter 17 Isabelle felt so angry18 Chapter 18 Harold's wickedness19 Chapter 19 Isabelle with the head warrior20 Chapter 20 Isabelle's worries21 Chapter 21 Harold feel so frustrated of Robert Louis22 Chapter 22 Robert Lois in danger23 Chapter 23 Isabelle felt so confused24 Chapter 24 The lucky man 25 Chapter 25 Robert Lois convention26 Chapter 26 The plan 27 Chapter 27 Robert Louis's plan 28 Chapter 28 The lucky stranger29 Chapter 29 Isabelle feel so relieved30 Chapter 30 Out of plan31 Chapter 31 The Truth32 Chapter 32 The visitor33 Chapter 33 Harold's confusion34 Chapter 34 Tension arise35 Chapter 35 Back to his room36 Chapter 36 At his room37 Chapter 37 The Confusion38 Chapter 38 The Head warrior39 Chapter 39 The Head warrior's confusion40 Chapter 40 Isabelle's dream41 Chapter 41 Isabelle's strange action42 Chapter 42 Elias worries43 Chapter 43 Elias anger44 Chapter 44 Robert Louis confusion45 Chapter 45 Harold's anger 46 Chapter 46 The Head warrior's report47 Chapter 47 Robert Louis with Herod48 Chapter 48 The secret opened49 Chapter 49 Isabelle's worries50 Chapter 50 Robert Louis worries