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African History

Chapter 2 History of Africa

Word Count: 539    |    Released on: 24/07/2023

g back to the prehistoric era. Africa is often considered to be the birthplace of humankind, as some of the

d 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. The ancient Egyptians built massive monuments such as the pyramids and developed a complex system of writ

er the Mali Empire (13th to 16th century CE) dominated the region and controlled lucrative trade routes, particularly in gold and salt.

from the 9th century CE onwards. These city-states were major hubs of trade, connecting East Africa to the

ning of European colonization in Africa, which intensified in the 19th century during the period known as the "Scramble for Africa." European powers, in

of Africans. It also disrupted traditional African societies and imposed European political and social structures. African resi

powers. This period was marked by the rise of nationalist leaders such as Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana, Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya,

with political and economic challenges. The Cold War era also had a significant impact on Afr

d political stability, and improvements in healthcare and education. However, the continent still

colonialism, and struggles for independence. It is a history marked by both triumphs and ha

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