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Alpha's Betted Bride

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 26/07/2023

d my mom's muffled voice was gushing over how prett

peak less,” Edmund s

on,” She was smiling from ear to ear, her bright red lipstick made her teeth look even

ing off your daughter against her will?” He

enough, it’ll all turn


they’d blow their cap. I had been taught that love could be bought, mine had all my life. I was taught that anything could be yours for the right price. So I guess I shouldn't be too surpr

way in silence and I clos

stopped in my chest and

floors and a balcony in the middle

ready been seated inside, they didn't want a big

No one else from our pack was coming, they didn't want them her

side,” Dad said and straightened his spine. He

talk of a rebellion and you

?” Edmun

ed and a low growl

irst and foremost I am your Alpha a

mund asked, st

prohibit you from ever seeing her again.” My heart clenche

st said that, in front of me. All m

ing toward the house. Someone's hand grabbed a strong hold of my

stand?” He asked and

ymore. Our family had issues, more than others, but never in

nd saw his eyes sink, hoping th

a guest room, there was a makeup table with a chair and a bed that had

I swallowed hard, closed my eyes, and took a d

woman of my mother's ag

asked softly. Her tone stumpe


her hand. I flew up on my feet and stepped toward

Sit,” I took a shaky br

you,” I knew nothing about the Alpha

e wedding. You look beautiful, how are you feeling?” Did she real

he thought of not seeing my brothers agai

nd tell me how much you’d rather run the other way.” She looked regal as sh

orced a smile. Marie smi

onest with me,” Who was this woman? Her voice was warm and comforting and i

one ready

if you want.” She said, making sure I knew that there was a choic

, undoing my hair and re-fixing it, my

r?” She asked me with an

terpiece, I'm just imagining he

dn't say anything aga

tepped away. She looked at me thr

ok like a pageant doll and braided my hair i

it didn't stop the dread from washing

at any time and so are any friends from your old pack,” she sai

if you’d like.” My jaw clenched and I

didn’t,” I said a

clasped his hands behind his back and looked a

y at a time. This was it, I would longer be able to find my mate, I wouldn't be able to date and get my heart broken

out on the aisle and looked me in the eyes. There was something brimmi

the aisle.” She said and g

away. My stomach clenched and I swallow

d the double doors and at the end of the aisl

about this arrangement than I was, he afte

was a balcony that went all around the room where more people were seated

laring. I couldn't imagine it being easy on the girls hoping to be mated to the A

g in his tux, his dark hair was waved back

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