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Alpha's Betted Bride

Chapter 2 .

Word Count: 1413    |    Released on: 26/07/2023

ar. Nick was swinging his arm around his girlfriend and they walked off and Noah left with his friends. Me? I was being told that I had

that it is for the best,

ld finally let the tears fall. They slid down my che

of. My dad found his mate, and so did everyone in our family. My brothers would have the same privilege.

three boys but was never allowed to be boyish. My dad always saw me as his little girl and we would talk about my wedding, how he would walk me down the aisle and he always t

itcase and tossed

and I wanted this last day for myself. They still hadn't told my brothers about the arranged marriage and

me. I continued packing my clothes, everything that f

l like your other one, I know you like that

with his hand and

ned around and looked into his eyes, hoping

d never hand her over to a complete stranger. Regardless of the po

what he wanted and closed out

for the

told me.” I finished an

make up for what he had done. I wasn’t even


her nose as though I was being unreasonable. My father sigh

e pack and as Alpha, it is my duty to m

daughter into the

one of the most powerfu

, or anything. Why the hell do I

VOICE.” My f

it is information about a deal that has been sealed. You will marry Alph

rose her head a

all the time, you’ll be able to buy whatever you want. We can even raise your allowance by

owered and I couldn't talk louder of fe

herapy will help.” She came up and placed some strands

our bags? I could help you,

f fla

ing out for the hope of them changing this. It’s already be

on my bed as I walk

cash and emergency numbers for your car and such,” he put h

we could do that before you left, I'll go

ad always been controlled by material possession. Wha

I cried, he bought me a gift, if I was upset in school, he bought a gift,

placed the clothe


p from the anger I felt and at the same time, I wanted to cry. I was an emotional

ed you to

t her will. But that’s where we are now and you've made it perfectly clear that I don't have a choice. But I'm not going to make it eas

l and he nod

ee you at

n as to why we should pretend to be a family fo

ere parted. It didn't matter if my words hurt him, if they pierced his h

rabbed all of my makeup products

essity bags and tried squee

party they went to where another kid said something and Edmund had punched him in the face. I

at my brothers had asked why I didn't join them. My fathe

parents. I was about to marry a complete stranger, a gu

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