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A Puppies Love

Chapter 3 Louise POV

Word Count: 1444    |    Released on: 27/07/2023

arrived sooner than me; she didn't look happy to see me, but I wasn't there for her. Passing her, she spoke, 'Queen Louise, Isabella is inside with Irvan; are you sure you wish to be a part of this?' She asked me, which made me stop. I did not see them in the reunion of the neutral grounds, as I believed he was running late, not that he had left back to the castle, 'why are they here?' I asked, annoyed, as if th

s with the Fenrislfr clan, who are trying to enter our lands!' Hearing this while in front of my husband's bed chambers, I replied, 'Keep them to their side if they try anything to attack them. As I answered, I said, "King Irvan, Im here as requested." The doors opened as I linked those around here and the rest of the maids to the bunkers. They left when the doors opened, and I pushed them open to a sight I was not expecting to see: "Irvan!" I shouted as I saw him thrust inside Isabella, who was losing her mind in lust, "What is the meaning of this?" As I closed the doors behind me, I demanded, "This is what I wanted to see." He spoke

your supporters? What kind of devil are you?" I shouted as I couldn't grasp anything he was insinuating, 'My Queen, we have been breached!' A guard linked me, making my choice to remain here less critical: "There's an attack at the border, Irvan. You are to work as a king with my father. My brother will do the new ones to be selected. You have no ruling; once I am of age, I will imprison you! And make you suffer for the hell you have brought upon me!" I turned to leave them behind, as I needed to let my hateful heart shock Irvan at least once, so I let out a spark of electrical current that hi

y body feel tired? Once I thought the powers were drained from me, I let myself fall backward to where Lupe held me. "I have you, my Queen," she told me, to which I closed my eyes to fall into a deep sleep. As I woke up, I was not alarmed to see my mother by my side with my brother, saying, "Oh, thank goodness you're awake!" My mother shouted, making me feel like a headache had returned when a growl was heard: "Your yelling will harm her Queen Mother." I heard Lupe try to protect me; her presence was well-needed, and my mother's wasn't. I wished for her to leave me alone, but my mind was dizzy from the shouting after my energy had been given to protect my kingdom when I heard Lupe speak once more, "I will remain with our Queen and believe she should not have any visitors for

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