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Part 2 of Happily Ever Mate Louise had yet to meet her mate, but every path to her happily ever after had fallen after she declared war on her lover. Will she suffer backlash after finding out who her mate is all alone? She would have to wait until the night of her ball.

Chapter 1 Louise POV


Opening my eyes to the sounds of birds, I felt sore all over my body, but what had me feeling strange was that I couldn't feel Leonidas's warmth. I opened my eyes, stretched my limbs, and cleaned the crust in my eyes as I finally looked around. The room was filled with flowers, yet I did not see Leonidas. Getting up from my bed, I noticed I was wearing a new robe, and underneath was a new nightgown. Trying to stand was proving difficult as I felt sore in my most intimate body parts when I heard movement in the cottage, and as I walked one step at a time to the front of the house, I was met with the sight of the twin Dukes. He had left, and Leonidas was nowhere to be found. As I walked, I realized I was utterly indecent. I ran back into my room and then closed the door.

I saw I had a silver dress decorated with ruffles and trimmed with gray ends. Getting the dress ready, the doors burst open to reveal the twins' wicked grins on their faces. "We were sent to collect you, yet it has been indicated by your husband not to harm you," Jaxx said. Jaxton walked to the bathroom and came out with a wet towel. I felt my fears rise, yet I knew if I allowed them, they would place their hands on me. Walking back, I tried to use my tone as the Queen I am. Yet no matter how hard I tried, the towel made me inhale deeply. My wolf was sleeping as Jaxx and Jaxton both held me down.

Jaxton placed the wet towel on my nose. It made me feel dizzy when I felt something enter my lower abdomen. I felt tears stream down my face. I felt their hands on me. I still felt sore from last night, and the pain burned me. After a while, they stopped and then walked out of the cottage. I wasn't sure who it was, but one of them said, "Get ready, your highness; you are needed at the reunion." I closed my eyes momentarily as I felt my world had finally broken. The feelings of being hurt, used, and abandoned eventually consumed me. Crying in silence, I get up from the bed. I believed I had made love to a man who loved me. Yet it felt like he had used me, leaving only flowers that would never bloom in their garden. This cottage felt as if it was swallowing me whole. I glanced at my dress and knew my heart now had no owner. Not a soul truly wanted me. I felt dead. As I started changing, I refused to look at my body. I would never look at the part that was ripped from me. As I tried to ignore the images, the laughter of Jaxx and Jaxton started to be heard. I felt too mute to speak and had no energy to defend myself, yet I felt bitter knowing they were standing outside. I refused to give in. Nobody would ever touch me.

My heart was locked away as I saw myself dressed in my finest attire in my reflection. I vowed to myself to hurt those who had hurt me. No longer did I have feelings to spare for those who faked innocence? This cottage brought me to reality, which I will end today. My anger rose, the energy I had locked away was released, everything in this cottage was shattered, and the electrical currents destroyed everything in their path. I could see what was waiting outside as it destroyed the place itself. I saw Elder Lion's expression. He was mortified and fearful of what I had done, yet as I saw him, my electrical world winds stroked him: "Have you gone mad, my Queen Louise?" He shouts at me. I glanced at the twins on my right, who were stuck in their place, shocked at my behavior. Knowing they would not try more, I sent electrical currents to their most sensitive organs. As I heard them scream in agony, I took steps to the now-cleared floor and said, "I have gained a new perspective. This place is to be destroyed. It has served a horrible purpose. Where is my father?" I requested him to tell me, yet a mind link had arrived when I asked, 'Louise, you are required to assist us in the meeting room. I did not reply to my father as I walked to the main structure. I let my electrical currents destroy the remaining cottage that had finally heard of explosives. As the cottage was on fire, last night's song came to mind. Walking, I started to sing, "I summoned you." I turned to the left to follow straight into the main building as crying screams were heard. I kept on singing, "Don't hurry thoughts that you want, I fill you up, drink from my cup with me what you want." I walked inside the main structure to walk up the stairs, and as I did, I sang, Come, lay me down, cause you know this, cause you know this love, I'm yours to tame, I'm aware awake, I crave your hate, these burning flames, these crashing waves wash over me like a hurricane, I captivate, you're hypnotized, feel powerful, but it's me again. The doors opened to show all but Leonidas.

Knowing his Marquess Leto was sitting in his estate made it clear to me that I had been placed back in the same position three years ago, only this time, I refused to be a part of this cat and mouse trap. "I apologize for my tidiness. However, I don't believe a settlement is ever needed. I accept the war King Leonidas has risen and refuse to give him any future assistance," Marquess Leto stood from his seat as he hit the table; my father growled in a dangerous tone, "Queen Louise, I realize that my King and confidence is not here to give his attention on these matters. Still, he doesn't wish to keep the war with you. All he wishes is a peaceful exchange." I let my powers flow in this room, "I deny anything that is to come from that ignorant bastard. If you dare to follow me, I shall not hesitate in attacking you and your men," my electrical current hit his chest that, made him land on the ground to which I add, "let this be a warning I am not to be taken as any fool from your kind! Or of my subjects! As a testimony of my words, I will place a hanging on the twin Dukes for their evil dead's of this evening," I turned my heel to walk out of the main room as I sent a mind link to all my guards, 'find the twin dukes and hold them in the cages on the main village, NOW!' I walk out of the main structure to enter my residence when my father shouts a command that doesn't affect me, "Louise, stop!"

I stood in the double doors, "you have no right to control me anymore," I replied my father in bitterness, "Louise, you have just declared war!" I growled at my Father and allowed my wolf to take over. As I turned, I saw a heartbroken expression on my father. I growled at him as he stood still, "he left you alone after the deed had been dealt with, did he?" My father spoke brokenly, "I apologize for my ignorance, my daughter. I will stand by your side. I have no words other than my apologies and loyalty. However, my dear, I need you to run this energy; we will direct things with the Fenrisúlfr clan at a later time, but as for the twins, we will act on their betrayal if you show me what has happened to have declared such actions," his words made me run to him, as I ran my heart felt tight by his words, Lupe showed out of nowhere as I couldn't stop on time she bit my shoulder preventing me from running, I felt everything I had lived till now was now in Lupe's mind as she reached what had happened earlier this morning she let go of me. I darted to the woods, running. I let my cries out, the pain, betrayal, hate, frustration, and disillusioned heart be heard with each of my shouts. As I finally felt tired, I stopped in the darkest parts of the woods, letting out a heart-crushing howl. As I ended my declaration of pain and suffering, I turned to return home to my estate on neutral grounds.

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