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Chelle grew up in a poor neighborhood with her dad as a waiter, recently orphaned with her dad and baby sister they head to America until her grandfather died, when she came back to clean his now abandoned house. Jadiel grew up in the same poor neighborhood Chelle did but he loved her from the first day they met, after she moved at a young age he promised he would have the life they wanted when she came back to her grandfathers house.

Chapter 1 1. Hey Princess

Jadiel POV

Placing my hands on the direct tv device while my brother holds the remote control, he kept a trying to press the button when I told him already Tanya I don’t want no stupid programmed romance program cause I was waiting to watch a movie on Chanel 6, he kept trying to click the button till he finally threw it at me, taking it I ran to the front of the house to jump to the first floor, I will get back to my room where my siblings would be away on their practice for baseball any minute now, landing on the floor, I hear grandma yell, “Jay! Jay! Take it easy boy!” I jog to the main sidewalk, as I answered her, “blessings!” She laughed, “God protect you my boy, don’t be late for supper!” I smiled knowing she meant well, when I get older I’m giving her the world, grandparents should love forever, at least mine should. After a bit I started to walk as I saw the house where my future wife visits not so frequently.

Chelle POV

Closing the door to my grandpas kitchen I walked to the living room that’s right next to it, Loli was watching her program as usual, I didn’t care because even I knew how she felt about me, she hated me for the same reason she hated my dad. We weren’t hers, we where her now ex-husband, but dad had nowhere to go, he was broke after moms sudden funeral, my grandmother was fighting to have us in her care but by the state of law she needed to retire from her job as a social worker, my uncle didn’t want kids, he was happy with his husband, draw your own conclusions. “Hey close the door, having more kids around here like this is a daycare center,” I didn’t dare reply her cause her actitud can get out of line real quick.

Loli was short for Lorena, but she hates her name so she makes everyone call her Loli, even the freaking courtroom when she has to go to stuff like that. I went straight to do that and shook the door to which just pissed her off again. “Your going to freaking break the damn door you moron!” I smiled knowing grandpa heard her, loud and clear cause I can see him getting up from his sofa chair that’s out in the garage where it sits right in front of his man cave big tv set, holding a beer can he shouts at Loli, “what’s all this?” He looked at me with a sweet smile when I opened my mouth to say, “Loli has a temper,” I could feel her right behind me but wasn’t expecting to feel a smack of her slipper on my bottoms, grandpa tries to enter the house when I have the door locked to which he screams, “open this fucking door Lorena!” She pulls me to the living room then opens the door where I heard a hard bang in the kitchen, “you want to try that again on my Barbie princess?” Grandpa threatens Loli who starts to stutter, “she, she was trying to get me this way, she is the culprit why would I? Ja why would I hit her? For being a bastards child? Well she should know here place!” I was done hearing her argue over stupid shit, so my dad is a child out of wedlock. Big deal! She knew my grandpa was a man-hore and married him anyways, why bully his kids who have it bad already. For fucks sakes.

Getting to the front of the house where the porch was I saw Jay Jay was walking over, the guy was a hot mess but I didn’t complain, he had the sexiest tan body, jogging with only his basketball shorts, he had no shirt on, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a smile that I will love forever in my mind. He was my friend with benefits since we where younger, we both are in agreement of this, can’t say I have a stop button cause he is yummy, all muscles in him since he is always playing sports with his two siblings, he is the oldest of them but younger than me, man can he move his body good. Seeing I was out he runs to the other side of the street, reaching the cement half gate of the front porch, I walk right towards the flat surface of the gate and place my arms on top, he stops right in front of the porch and I feel like I’m Juliet, and he is my Romeo in a really poor neighborhood. He is tall for his age, so he could meet my eyes when I lowered myself to my arms which he now was holding, my medium length brown hair was flowing from the wind, and I felt my glasses moved a bit down so I moved them back up, when he took my hair and did the same, “it’s all over your face today Princess,” I smiled at his nickname to me.

Jadiel POV

My princess was tired today, but hearing Loli and Don Armando shouting from the house, had me nervous for my girl, I didn’t want her here, “can you go out today? There’s a movie I think your going to like that’s playing on Chanel 6, at my room?” I asked her to which she smiles at me then says really low only for me, “then we get to see what’s on Chanel 9? Of am I over imagining things?” I smiled knowing she got the second idea my second head was having, “well sure princess but seriously though, there’s a real movie on so don’t go all out on me for nothing, but that’s a Bono’s, I will never say no to a good sixty-nine, with my princess,” she smiled sadly, this girl had my heart and organs wrapped around her little finger.

But that sad smile had me doubting what she really wanted, then I herd Loli shout, “if you didn’t let that moron child of his in this house instead of treating her like a princess that she isn’t! Chelle has more family let her bother other people and not my fucking house!” I didn’t need to hear more, I took my girls hands and pulled her over the cement gate, helping her down I held her hand to walk to my house. Holding her hand I take her by her hips, she reaches my chest, and I love kissing the top of her head, as we walk I ask her, “what’s wrong Elle?” I asked her carefully, I knew it was exactly what I had heard Loli shout but there was something else, I hadn’t seen her in months, since September of last year and it was already February, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day, and I had something mega big planned for my princess. But I couldn’t tell her a single thing, I needed her to stay over like last time.

I stopped when I saw my princess wasn’t talking, she must be going through hell in her mind, I hated seeing her like this, my girl wasn’t a sad woman, she was full of life, a supportive woman, a great caregiver, she stayed for a full week in my house taking care of my baby brother that was sick, this woman cooked for me and my siblings for weeks on end while my mom had to work her two jobs, if there’s anyone who has my heart it’s her. My siblings respect her like the older sister, heck my annoying second brother has said we look good together, he supports my idea in marrying her. Hell if I don’t marry her, I won’t marry anyone else, and I won’t care what I’m called for this choice, thinking about this she looked up and I move down to kiss her sweet pink lips, “talk to me,” I remind her but she bites her lower bit a bit then says something that got me annoyed, “your not my boyfriend to be telling you stuff like this,” I held her hand a bit tight making her look at me again, “who says I don’t want us to be more than just friends with benefits? I have asked you multiple times, you say no every time,” she looked away from me and make it clear she didn’t want to go through this, “give me one good reason I should stop wanting you more?” I asked her and she finally broke in tears, I held her tightly when I heard her say “my mom died,” my eyes opened wide, hugging her I kept whispering sweet words to her, “I know this is hard, my dad died when my second brother was born, before that ass hole came into my moms life, i got you princess,” I held her tightly as she kept crying.

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