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Beautiful Bliss

Chapter 4 Revisiting the Past

Word Count: 1535    |    Released on: 31/07/2023

ght. My dad and stepmom we

ening Dad

ur outing" m

nd it was produc


d dinner?" my

ll. Than

nd flung myself on the bed. I heaved a sigh of exhaustion. I

nto my nightwear. I climbed onto my bed

sfied with what I've done so I decided to

es I got from the coffee shop. Two hours later,



re just flooding in and causing turmoil in my h

y hectic schedule. I did not bother to get up since I wouldn't

tart badly. Very bad. I don't kn

hone beeped loudly. I grumbled as I reached f

morning" she squealed h

about this morn

ss what happened when we parted ways at

so early to play the guessing

he vibe, Vina.

u rescue a strand

things you could g

ed her eyes aft

I was driving and asked to s

uchebag??" I said

's a changed person

ible to you?? He's nothing but a headache and you still ch

s a second chance

eone like him

ee the bright side of things and stop nagging me. I'm

id and bit her tongue. Before she



still affected me in a way I despise s

t's been a lon

en though I was expecting it. Her familiar scent hit my

w??" She as

alf" I

able. Fortunately for me, her father cleared his throat and that

siness. I did my best in answering and was grateful to myself that I didn't dis

and I was set to leave. I smiled and did

e but I decided to ignore it. My hand is on the handle about to open the d

left but my emotions were swelling and wer

y body and turned to face her

or touch me, Daisy. Just s

nd I don't know why you don't want th


ts asked to see me. It'd be rude to tell them that they can always come to my office a

but you still chose to come just becau

e. Ever since you chose that dumb-looking guy over me, my feelings for you died completely, nothing, I repeat nothing

e, Carter, you do.

I ignited the engine and drove out o

e not minding anything on my way. I got

ignoring the gate man's greetin

ing any justice to what I'm feeling inside of me then I proceeded to smash the mirror on the wall with my

aid kits there. I took out the spirit and cleaned the blood then wra

ed and just felt fu


party I attended with my friend. She was also there with her friend

one I wanted to marry. I told my parents about it and they were

who are not as rich as we are, they didn't like t

inner at a restaurant, I proposed t

ny and stayed out late at night. A few weeks later, sh

d her parents about it and they promised they'd talk to her whic

d it was already getting so intolerable. I wasn't fo

and straighten things out. I finished all of the os I h

urage then opened the door. The whole room was

en for like two weeks now. I checked the kitchen but saw no tr

om. I was perceiving smoke but nothing was cooking after I l

ight before me and could

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