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Beautiful Bliss

Chapter 5 The Second Meeting

Word Count: 1547    |    Released on: 31/07/2023

w me standing. She felt shocked because she didn't expe

s a different story if there were just smoking but she was smo

ying flat on the bed. I couldn't withst

eel like it was the cause of my frustration. I drov

and broken. My mum was the first to rush up to me and I just

my back. We stood there for like 2 minutes and when

appened, was looking so angry. After

s wrong

y sure it's that good for n

was true. I nod in head in affirmation and explained

ted dialling every possible hitman, agency, etc to find Daisy and bring her to him but I t

ornness has caused you. You think I don't like her because sh

le-class people. They ar

lready for you to still side with her family.

dy did a background check on her, even though she's from a good family, the girl herself is

Cancel every project we're doing together and don't as


id to me. It felt as if the whole scene kept happening every day because it

ing and hurting all over. I dare not tell my parents wha

? Even after my parents warned me to stay away from her a

other business day so I made



slammed my palm on the alarm and stood

to mention something like that in the middle of our discussion. What urged her to say that?? So to cool off the st

and returned home. After showe

took my bath. Seeing how cool the weather is, I picked out a pair of denim trousers and a j

ed a blue Louis Vuitton bag to match. I picked u

ining table and I couldn't se

and your mum

m??" Sh

your mother t

k right now. I thought I aske

rat. Dad said they had somewhe

calling who a

of the room. I got to the garage, ente

d my car. I breathed in and out after alighting be

Greetings came from ev

tor. I entered it and pressed the last floor butto

epped out of the elevator. I walked down to my off

nd sorting out the clothes. She didn't notice my

seat but my cover got bl

rning" Ka

ed me." I placed my hands on

." she apolog

eyes at her t

thes?? What happened to the people t

n't have anything to do today so

retary on seat on my way in, is

e when she called me sayin

one packing, inform those meant to deliver


my laptop to check if there was any work I'm

embered Kate told me she is absent. I picked up my b

you headed

teria down th

k up. I'm al

things and we both

e in silence and I was thankful

stop by the boutique and she opted to f

I prayed so fervently in my mind for her not

I spoke out of context

so I won't have

he doesn't deserve a second chance. I me

t was inappropriate but you also know he...

t go of things. It's fine. I've heard all you have to

ok I gave her made he

d my car and we walked inside after exchanging pleas

stocked in the boutique when I bumped into some

I said looking up

o smile and greet him but his face s

" he said p

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