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His mistress

His mistress


Chapter 1 Unveiling Unlikely Encounters

Word Count: 521    |    Released on: 01/08/2023

its luxurious walls, life moved at a different pace, where every whim could be satisfied with a snap of fingers. Maximilian, a middle-aged man with silver-streaked hair and a perpetually

mily, and for the first time, he saw her as more than just a figure in his meticulously designed world. A curiosity stirred within him, urging him to uncover the woman behind the househelp uniform, to understand the depths hidden beneath her quiet facade. Intrigued, Maximilian approached Emily, his voice laced with a newfound gentleness. "Emily, please join me for a moment," he requested, his tone surprisingly tender. Startled yet intrigued, Emily turned to face him, her eyes wide with uncertainty. "Of course, sir," she responded softly, her heart pounding in her chest. As they sat in the mansion's elegant parlor, a space usually reserved for distinguished guests, the boundaries that separated them began to dissolve. Words flowed effortlessly between them, like a secret language only they understood. In Maximilian's presence, Emily felt seen, valued for more than her mundane duties. In that heartfel

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