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From Rejection to Desire

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 760    |    Released on: 04/08/2023


sed as he pulls his eyes away from the balcony, I give hi

about her, she is strang

ed hot in the seven years since I

easy hair. Always scowli

a frumpy, d

e freak who rolls ar

her feet, toes pointed upward, rolling


ve that amazing sce

didn't r

r de

ectify that wh

eed to be with so


my hands curl int

r a freaking human after

ding for g

turn around to look at Colin,

have to go

ne up again, his fingers

he has her phone number and i

t's rid

at will go away when I hav

the phone, lo

nd if I skip tr

at him, crossing m

y for Kit to be back here. E

re at

one around m

ing to us. She ab

to come back was because I could fe

dly h

ke I have neve

s mate is gorgeo

ucky. Un

eel the same way when I

.I felt an attraction even th

jerk my chin at Coli

missed pract


t i

pe around if she stays. She gets treated the same w


ry for her. But if I we

l back

t to be k

etter taste

, she looks good no

ck hi

want to

't ca

u want to go for


ld see her before you

curl int

nds in surrender an

t. You aren't

uck her for all I car

rn a

t you d


teps, I realize that

ining, I was going to go on up and c

uldn't b

n't bot

ning center with my arms crossed, I take my mood out

y are all thinking about

now that Sarah is gone, i



an A

o back on

say, is

ver chang

ive me anot

re too tired to even think ab

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