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Chapter 4 Shut up bitch

Word Count: 1450    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

ket. There was a black car parked in the alley not far aw

No n

she was fighting tooth and nail.

he brute lifted her slender body with no problem at all. He shoved her in

er to restrain her.

g. She was tossed against the back of the seat and,


d. She blinked and t

he hadn't let the drink out of her sight. At least she thought she hadn't. But he had taken it from the ba

linked her heavy eyeli

lt had her eyes shooting open again

and murdered and all the terrible things her mom had warned her about. It was all

op freaking

sipped about a third of the glass of cranberry juice. She had to try to get out of th

the city. Okay. She had to escape the car the next time it stopped. The man was obvious

n't even able to walk on

hen. Adrenaline surged through her veins, pa

went so topsy turvy... until she realized she was wedged so tightly in the

Still, no way she was gonna lay here and a

slowed, she expl

ndle. Her limbs were concrete. It took her several precious seconds to figure ou

d she hurled her b

t as she hit the wet pavement

he city swirled around her, towering skyscrapers stretching into the en

e driver side door opened

the quickest, frantic glance around. They were stopped at a red light. Rain bea

was illuminated. Light. Light meant people. People who co

are feet smacking cold puddles. Her heels had fallen off somewhere along the way, thank the Fates. She was much steadier without them. The

door. The man's shouts were closer than ever. He was almost on top of her.

m the subdued lighting and mahogany wood that filled the place with shad

her breathing, she slipped towards the wall on her left, hugging the shadows and dripping as she went. She pass

ress was smeared with mud from the street and

more clearly. Final

pounding of her heart, and a few subdued voices in the back. The place was closed for the night, or very

g into the wall with a loud bang. No! She bit back a scream, cringing in the

shout. The bouncer, fin

you can't c

ntil she nearly fell into a corrid

I need to see if she

is girl; I'd never met him before tonight. The bouncer was

u." The man's voice was unnaturally deep, and Cora imagined

g you, she ran

Cora realized that her pu

a shout- "Hey, you

the closest door knob she could find. Locked. Frantic, she

he rushed through and close

d with as many shadows as the club. Cora stood with her back to

d an expanse of rich r

he desk

ore a suit tailored to broad shoulders. His head was bent, his dar

ce in a very private club would probably only lead to trouble. St

second Cora thought that the man hadn't seen her, he was so absorbed in the papers in front of

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 Three months earlier 3 Chapter 3 Three hours later 4 Chapter 4 Shut up bitch5 Chapter 5 Cora moved back 6 Chapter 6 When Cora woke up 7 Chapter 7 Shadow shrouded his face 8 Chapter 8 She sucked in a deep9 Chapter 9 But cora 10 Chapter 10 We have to stop meeting 11 Chapter 11 They told me 12 Chapter 12 Babe 13 Chapter 13 Marcus she breathed 14 Chapter 14 Not a goddess any15 Chapter 15 She swung around 16 Chapter 16 Marcus was a perfect 17 Chapter 17 So now she found herself 18 Chapter 18 Moving to one 19 Chapter 19 Cora smiled20 Chapter 20 He gave her an21 Chapter 21 Now that's a nice ring22 Chapter 22 A minute later23 Chapter 23 I want you 24 Chapter 24 They got married two25 Chapter 25 But Marcus 26 Chapter 26 No no no27 Chapter 27 A hand closed28 Chapter 28 But for a second 29 Chapter 29 Marcus stood in the small 30 Chapter 30 Marcus Cora shouted31 Chapter 31 You'll learn to watch 32 Chapter 32 An hour later 33 Chapter 33 He watched the internal 34 Chapter 34 He slid a hand 35 Chapter 35 Cora jerked36 Chapter 36 How are you37 Chapter 37 Cora rested38 Chapter 38 No39 Chapter 39 Undress me40 Chapter 40 Well that had 41 Chapter 41 Sais someone 42 Chapter 42 Marty I hope 43 Chapter 43 When Cora 44 Chapter 44 Are you okay 45 Chapter 45 What cora shoved 46 Chapter 46 Marcus Cora sucked47 Chapter 47 She couldn't move 48 Chapter 48 Come, cora49 Chapter 49 So this was 50 Chapter 50 He slid his51 Chapter 51 How is the line 52 Chapter 52 Gods she was fucked53 Chapter 53 It was not a request 54 Chapter 54 Three days l55 Chapter 55 And I guess I made56 Chapter 56 Marcus sat at a table 57 Chapter 57 It was a different driver58 Chapter 58 Oh she said 59 Chapter 59 The driver turned off60 Chapter 60 Marcus used the 61 Chapter 61 Cora was exquisite 62 Chapter 62 Several of his shades63 Chapter 63 Mom, put gun64 Chapter 64 The war with the titan 65 Chapter 65 Mom had always said 66 Chapter 66 Ten minutes earlier 67 Chapter 67 Cora leaned against the giant 68 Chapter 68 I always give 69 Chapter 69 Her heart70 Chapter 70 The sidewalks around the Elysium 71 Chapter 71 The orphan 72 Chapter 72 Just like the first time 73 Chapter 73 Mr Ubeli74 Chapter 74 Cora sat In The beautiful box75 Chapter 75 What the hell were you thinking 76 Chapter 76 With a little 77 Chapter 77 Two days after 78 Chapter 78 Marcus pro79 Chapter 79 Armand's party80 Chapter 80 Olivia face scrunched81 Chapter 81 The house was built 82 Chapter 82 Marcus, i83 Chapter 83 He made her 84 Chapter 84 Iris had the love 85 Chapter 85 Love is 86 Chapter 86 The orphan seemed desperate 87 Chapter 87 Then a song started88 Chapter 88 Anna89 Chapter 89 He's definitely creepy 90 Chapter 90 What's the hell91 Chapter 91 The next morning 92 Chapter 92 Back at the crown 93 Chapter 93 Back in the penthouse 94 Chapter 94 Mid-afternoon 95 Chapter 95 Two hours later 96 Chapter 96 A FEW MINUTES97 Chapter 97 MAKE SURE YOU98 Chapter 98 CORA ROUNDED THE CORNER99 Chapter 99 WE WILL100 Chapter 100 MARCUS WRENCHED