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The Biker's Rules

The Biker's Rules

Author: Zea Drew

Chapter 1 Beginning of this story

Word Count: 4559    |    Released on: 12/08/2023

March (10

Francisco (H

ackburn =

imm = 11

- Me

lt to fit my helmet on my head, but I manage eventually, strapping it under my chin. I fast-pedal my bike down the street to where the rest of my grade 4 class is waiting. We're not actually heading for the park, but to investigat

e place - ripping anyone who dares to trespass on the property into shreds. Well, that's where we're heading right now – under pressure might I add - and there's no backing out. Why? Because of Jason Steward

y that demon thing then. I look to my left meeting Kiara's dark eyes as she peddles alongside me - I know that she's got my back and vice-versa. After all, it's not our first outing together – we've been

if predicting something bad is going to happen. And suddenly I hear my father's voice in my head – 'Don't worry, our family burns the black'. Get it ... Blackburn ... burn ... ug, never min

- it takes a little effort to open the door since it's stuck, probably from being abandoned for years. The sleeve of his oversized hoody pulls up just enough for me to notice some nasty pu

ly agree with me – they are not normal. Both Edward and the Salvatores can hop on the boring bus compared to this boy's beauty. The door is quite impressive, and even though the wood is cracked and weather

staircase to the upper level and the ceiling where an antique chandelier clings to the light breeze now blowing through the open door. In its prime, this must have bee

As I bump Kiara with my elbow, gesturing in the direction of Jason, a slight smile creeps across her peanut butter-colored face. She takes out her phone and starts filming Jason with a sly expression. Hell, with


mediately a sharp pain shoots through my arm. Biting on my lip I glance down, noticing the tip of an arrow protruding f

of his way, causing her to tumble into a gap where the floor collapsed. I dash to the edge and peep over the side, my one hand clamping my arm to try and control the pain; for some weird reason, there i

ursing Jason in my mind, already

sniffs and I know she's crying. The image of me yankin

one-piercing sound of shotgun fire trembles through the house, swinging the chandelier fiercely

w the hell I'm going to pull Kiara up all by myself, with only one arm. Maybe the angry

ady doesn't swear. So shit gets transformed into a more feminine version instead. I look up to see a pair of apple-green eyes, belon

all of a sudden? He flashes me a broad pearly tooth grin, and for

s one end of a vine down to Kiara. She grabs on, twisting her arms around the vine. I


ill, little girl," he orders me, pushing me

ing to suck out my blood. Maybe he's a vampire too. He for sure has the hypnotizing eyes... Nope, his

ving me the chills, so I step back and swallow. Usually, I don't let the opposite sex shunt me around; having 4 older

el pulls her out from the top. And like some strong demon ninja, Green-eyes emerges - as if he climbs out of holes all of the time. Maybe he's not a vampi

h-five each other with smock faces. Ug, boys ... they're all th

dly make our way to the entrance. As we leave through the mossy door, I look back to see a man standing at the top of


he air, and the boy grabs my hand and

calling Uncle John ... and at least I know my stupid brothers will come up with a plan th

trying to keep her mind from the discomfort. We laugh while looking at the video on Kiara's phone. But I'm not exactly in a good mood ... my brothers won't let me

her jacket, with a huge number 13 on the

e," Kiara comments, looking at my arm and

re he's not square in his head. Not even kids my age say stuff like that, and I predict him to be in middle school already. And w

ke a ghost between the trees, he looks back at me one last time, giving me a final small wave and a big smile that causes dimples to appear on his cheeks. Why am I feeling sad? As

ck. Even though my genius oldest brother is only 15, he drives better than mom does. They help us into the cab, load our bik

doors. A middle-aged nurse walks up to us, her round hips swinging with

in his hands. My pounding heart drops into my shoes. It's doctor Barney! He's like best friends with Uncle John, so I'm not getting away this time, that's for sure. I can already imagine the adults in my life going bonkers. Mom is going

and then his eyes move up; land on

t sounding disappointed, "and what t

ubbing his chin with one hand

had a littl

my family is regularly here in the ER, since we frequ

ushes, turning my arm slightly to take a look.

who knows ... she begins to ramble, telling him every tiny detail. Well, the cat is out of the bag, so I join in. Nurse Betty simply smiles warmly, as my mom wo

ands, begging us to calm down. He's already removed the arrow and stitched up the wound. His focus is now on Kiara's

shrug off my shoulders, I take her hand and look down at her pretty caramel face, before we start counting. Hell, we didn't even get t

at she's thinking. They're going to call uncle John! See, Kiara's mom is an alcoholic druggy and her dad is in jail ... so, as a result, her father requested his closest friend, Uncle John, to take custod

ave a few phone calls to make." Nurse Betty looks at us with a

ean, you don't have to tell him all the details, righ

e to tell your uncle EVERY SINGLE DETAIL," he dra

got hurt on the playground or something?" I pout my lips and give him the best puppy-d

grounded until we're 30 and over the wall. And we'

y in her eyes. We both know what's coming, Uncle John is going to combust and burn us in his raid. But at least we're together in thi

ng all at once in an effort to receive the least amount of punishment possible. It's one of their strategies to get away with

ed. Jackson has no emotion on his face, Ilkay frowns with disapproval, while Enrique and Logan are amused, glad the attention has been diverted to us. With my idiotic siblings, you

the twins, in addition, are the opposite of two peas in a pod. Enrique is the obnoxious, confident one who manages to talk himself out of every jam, whereas Jackson is more of a non-caring, mysterious hero type that g

standing in the hallway talking to Doc Barney and another doctor. The doctor with the dark messy hair looks vaguely familiar, but I'm sure I've never met him

h it provides. I look at the logo running down the right sleeve ... a strange green M and the words 'Monster Energy'. On the other sleeve is some sort of skull with wi

between his brows. Maybe I look funny in the oversized jacket ... or he might be superstitious about

m my warmest angelic smile back. He winks at me, and I take a deep breath. Thank goodness ... for a moment I

from the chair and walks over t

xel likes looking for trouble like my crazy sibling. I roll my eyes. My brothers' attention shifts to Axel as if they only notice his presence now for the first time. It's not as if he came with us and been here the whole time ... s

unlikely. My brothers will not let our parents forget anything about this episode for the next few weeks. So when mom returns, the whole situation will repeat it

the crazy twin - and they start talking about boring cliche boy stuff like bikes and cars. And when Axel describes

blue eyes asks inquisitively. But his question brings the

e was this b

rupts and I give her the evil eye,

hat my brothers would not say anything about this. The doctor nods his head, a teasing grin on his face – with dimpl

a soft sigh, thanking him with a sad face. I hug my best friend, telling her that everything will be fine. And that we'll be w

acket again and then watch as the friendly doctor gets into the lift with my best friend, a cocky but warm smile on his face. Is it a coincidence

e're cursed

le John asks looking a

he grabs Axel by the arm, leading him in the direction of the cafeteria. That brothe

tuff down your throats." Uncle John smirks falling in behind them, pulling me wit

ing each other playfully ... prob

xel, giving him a faint smile. Kiara and I are going to be grounded probably until we've finished school. Come to think of it, we actually were

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1 Chapter 1 Beginning of this story2 Chapter 2 Living in the past3 Chapter 3 Still living in the past4 Chapter 4 The party5 Chapter 5 Don't know what I'm doing6 Chapter 6 I'm in love with the devil7 Chapter 7 The rules8 Chapter 8 Hitting a wall9 Chapter 9 Paintball wars10 Chapter 10 Fairy tales11 Chapter 11 Happy birthday12 Chapter 12 Insult to injury13 Chapter 13 Dresses, booze and stupid men14 Chapter 14 Drunken hate15 Chapter 15 Hangover blues16 Chapter 16 I was drunk17 Chapter 17 Red roses18 Chapter 18 Date crushing19 Chapter 19 A little tumble20 Chapter 20 The universe is against me21 Chapter 21 The truth finally told22 Chapter 22 Listen to your heart23 Chapter 23 Trying something new24 Chapter 24 The beach walk25 Chapter 25 20 Questions26 Chapter 26 The experiment27 Chapter 27 Bad boys fall the hardest28 Chapter 28 Meeting Harry29 Chapter 29 Kicking some balls30 Chapter 30 The gig31 Chapter 31 Killer clowns32 Chapter 32 Call my name33 Chapter 33 He was there34 Chapter 34 No laughing matter35 Chapter 35 A mother's love36 Chapter 36 Starting over37 Chapter 37 The meeting38 Chapter 38 The setup39 Chapter 39 The race40 Chapter 40 Truth or dare41 Chapter 41 A real date42 Chapter 42 The cat is out of the bag43 Chapter 43 The dance44 Chapter 44 Looking perfect tonight45 Chapter 45 Losing myself46 Chapter 46 Hooked47 Chapter 47 The day after48 Chapter 48 Leap of faith49 Chapter 49 The end of the line50 Chapter 50 Zombie blues51 Chapter 51 Fatal attraction52 Chapter 52 Making up53 Chapter 53 It's negative54 Chapter 54 A little bean55 Chapter 55 Meeting the demons56 Chapter 56 Bitch fight57 Chapter 57 First sonar58 Chapter 58 Taken59 Chapter 59 The war has begun60 Chapter 60 Haunted history61 Chapter 61 Traitors62 Chapter 62 Saving the day63 Chapter 63 Beans and heroes64 Chapter 64 Waking up65 Chapter 65 A new grave66 Chapter 66 Finding some treasure67 Chapter 67 The wedding