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Suzanna Stirs the Fire


Word Count: 2677    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

e considered him in some ways quite inferior to her father. And so she wondered why he could live in a big house, could have servants who sprang at a word to do his bidding, and could eat

pondered on this seemingly unjust state of affairs. It would have been so much better, she thought, if the Eagle Man occupied with his one daughter just a little cottage w

that wonderful time when she would be a woman, and everything made clear to her. Experiences, too, had shown her

y at their tasks, Suzanna polishing the stove, and Maizie peeling the potatoes for supper, a task Mrs. Procter insisted upon being performed early in the day. Peter, exempted, be

e cried, and

looked up fro

t, Maizie?

ever laugh?"

red in the faces of her audience: "He's always so sad in our Sunday School lessons, mother. Even when He said, 'Suf

know Jesus was born in a manger so His mother didn't have much money and it was hard to make both en

nd trying to persuade people to be good and understand what He was tr

s even when things have all gone wrong you've laughed at

en to her. "But mother doesn't have to go round turning

e had smiled,"

t her sister. "Why do you wi

a big brother," said Maizie. "Now, so

sked, turning back to the cold stove and vigorously p

fully. "I'm good enou

zie," said Suzanna; "you always g

e lion marcheth down the yard. Maizie, quick, quick, out of the way,' and when I said, 'I don't see any lion, Suzanna

see anything unless it's

she covered the dough with a snowy cloth,

anna after a time, "I'm going to

t, mother," said Maizie,

ie had peeled all the potatoes, Suzanna went into the parlor and dusted all

uzanna?" she asked, after a time

Suzanna; "about something you've nev

ory make me a

d happie

ice story,

lly s

you tell m

r I've finished dusting and then


soap box, placed it beneath the one tree, while Maizie drew another very close to her sister

Still, with the quiet there was a freshness in t

you see that big rose nodding near th

zie saw

d to me! It stood by my side for a long time, and then it said softly, 'Suzanna,' and it looked at me and it was all pink and very sweet, and it said to me, 'Suz

r Jesus ever smiled?' And I said, 'Yes, Maizie will be peeling a big potato, and I'll be

Bible because it didn't seem 'portant to grown folks, and they didn't think that all the little children in th

sister. "Did you really see th

sat up very straight and pointed a small finger, "and there

ie j

king right through Mrs. Reyno

one stem?" asked Mai

e," she greeted in a high treble voice. "Come and stand near Maizie." Maizie moved quickly to make room. "You see it now,

you think mother'd better take me to the doctor and

ose. "Maybe I see the rose with something inside of me. But never mind, lamb girl-isn't that pretty, Mrs. Reynolds calls me that-th

herself again

e is written. Funny words that we don't know th

don't, I don't want 'terribl

"I'll leave out the terrible thr

rs were all washing and those that were not washing, behold, they were hanging clothes out in the yard, and as He walked He c

at's written on mother's tea canister, and you r

sponded Suzanna quickly. "And any more b

ed, and Suzan

o their hearts. 'Yea,' said one, 'have I not used green tea?' And the Little Boy with

afterwards took to Heaven with Him. And He wore a long, white, flowing gown, that His mother washed out every morning and ironed careful

mself up to a big height, 'There is nothing to smile at.' And His mother said, 'Behold I have made for Thee something nice to eat, with an orange in front of Thy plate!' But even then He did not smile. And next day,

he Man with the halo was busy making ten fish out of one little tiny minney for Peter who was hungry, and had a 'normous appetite like our Peter's, when a woman came running down the road. Everybody looked at her, but she went on. And when she came near t

she said: 'Wilt Thou come with me?' He waited a little, but felt pity in His heart for her and so He went with her, His halo shin

ing in a white box, fast asleep was the littlest baby that had ever gone to Heaven. And though the woman had lots of other babies, and ma

lovely baby of mine for me? Oh, please, Master, waken it-even though it should cry all n

nd it made so much noise when it was awake. Its big sister had to warm milk for it, and take it out in the buggy and to wash i

halo. And at last He spoke and His voice was like music, thrilly and gentle. And He said, 'Al

soon the baby got pink like my coral beads, and then its eyes open

close, so He warmed it all through. And then He put it

Maizie, that you were that little baby,

was touched to its depths. After a long time in a whisper she spoke: "Oh, was I

armed her, thrilled her through and through. They sat on in silence. Soon a question began

y hundred years," s

ys love Him 'cause once He woke me up. Suzanna, do you th

lieved the

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