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Suzanna Stirs the Fire

Chapter 7 REGRETS

Word Count: 2098    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

pied a large bed, too large, it seemed to her, for one small girl. And even the silken c

She would have buttoned Peter and would be carrying the blue dishes from the pantry to the dining-room. Fathe

tress was thick, her small body quite sank into its depths; the bed she shared with Maizie, she had realized on occasions, had lumps, and no silken coverlet spreading itself brilliantly. St

close the front gate with what to him was a gentle click. She felt that in a mo

eft home if s

formed itself

d seemed she could scarcely live possessed of a dress whose sweet possibilities were denied by a mother's spirit of

oundings, that desire was losing its poignancy.

blue and white dress, her black hair was drawn smoothly bac

e, Suzanna?

he couldn't trust

hee a treat." She went away quite unconscious that she

arrying a tray covered wi

r lap and waited unexcitedly while Mrs.

a poached egg on a slice of perfectly

n her contralto voice. "Now eat thee, my d

h the tiniest piece of orange on its tip, and found strangely that

nding Suzanna to her mother was doubly thick, yet she had broken it! She put the tray to one side and sprang from the bed. Her desire,

he cold floor; the white gown held tightly at the neck by a small, trembling h

n Mrs. Reynolds, "no

te little face she showed

eynolds." No thought now of

brought fine t


you must be dressed. I put you

t forth an armful of garments. Suzanna survey

the little figure, carried her to a rock

girl?" asked Mrs. Reyno

rs. Reynolds' little girl now. Hadn't she brok

"I am your little girl, aren't I?" she asked so

face. With no child of her own, she was still

's child can be. You see," she went on after a pause, "ther

you," said Suzanna, though he

dn't at that break the tie that binds you to your o

t separate them, couldn't arrange them. They all jumbled together, like vivid picture

ou to those you loved was th

ssed thread that holds us together. Reynolds calls it the 'sense of brotherhood.'" Her voice lowered itself: "

" said Suzanna, settling more comfortabl

some of my crab jelly. I've seen her many's the time sitting out in the yard with

untry," said Suzanna; "and she longs

all," said Mrs. Reynol

in silence. Suzanna

hink I'll dress now, and after I've helped with

to your giving yourself away to me. No, not even for a bit of time. Sweet, you gave me joy last night. I pretended that you wer

"Oh, thank you for saying

some truths to Reynolds. You made him see clear and farther than he has for many a da

-that you should have your heart's desir

lds. "Who e'er gets his deepest h

prang to

art's desir


esire has been to have the goods cut away from under the lace. Now, I don't ca

by her confession, she put out her hand

place of another. But I guess life teaches you that; it hurries you forward so you have to put wish on wish."

and Suzanna knew tha

bit girl," said Mrs. Reynolds, as s

w restful the house was; no insistent vo

Suzanna, as she entered the kitchen. "At home the

ike quiet

her; that dreadful pulling of the heartstrings; that sinking feeling t

he deftness with which an egg was broken and dropped into boiling water, and in

olds," she started to say when

ed and, alone, Suzan

guid, shadows beneath them as though she had not slept. But

a's heart. She should never in all her l

ce; that tentative little gesture; her whole questioning attitude, all her seekings, but expressions of her youngness? She wasn't after a

t as for the first time, at least with a sense of n

tation, a clever playing to the gallery; this when the night was early, and the mother still aching with weariness from the day's many tasks. And then as the hours wore on, and the quiet soot

her own spiritual integrity; learn in time to look in on herself with a spirit of mor

rred her again as sh

wanted to stay at some distance that she might

I want to be your little girl

s. Procter's arms opened wi

one spoiled that morning. Furtively she wiped the tear

and pack your bag,

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