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Tales of the Chesapeake

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2576    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

March 3d, 186-, carried perhaps a score of newly-elected Congres

mewhat overstrained amiability, not to say sycophancy, signifying that out of the aforesaid Congressmen they expected something "fat." Of the former class the hardest type was unquestionably Jabel Blake, and th

ar blue eyes, which nearly made a parson of him-a suggestion carried out by his plain guard and silver watch and his very sober, settled expression. The Honorable Perkiomen Trappe, who had served three term

lleghenies; and there still lived these twain, in fashion little changed-MacNair a lawyer at the court-house town, and Jabel Blake the creator, reviver, and capitalist of the hamlet of Ross V

wice a year to Pittsburg and twice to Phildelfy is the whole of my gadding. I stop, in Phildelfy, at the Camel Tavern, on Second Street, a

le time you stay at the capital you can lodge with us. A man who has elected a Congressman in

, though your election, Arty, cost me four hundred

u protested against an election in a moral land involving the expenditure of a dime, and though you pass for the closest man west of the mo

ed for years to start my bank at Ross Valley, and every dollar wasted retards the village. You boys have cost me a sight of money. There's E

el Blake, judging by his appearance, shouldn't have buried MacNair's father, but

and perhaps in Washington they disguise some of the matters which we treat bl

Jabel bore the similitude

grave. That cost me upwards of eleven dollars, so I did my duty by him. You boys don't seem to have his appetite for liquor. You are a member of Congress, an

y, dignity, original social consideration, moral intrepidity, and direct Scotch sagacity had made his name a tower of strength in his native State. To Jabel's clannish and religious nature Judge Dunlevy represented the loftiest possibilities of human character; and that one of the t

he additions, and so the long delay at Baltimore caused no remarks and the landscapes slipped by until, like the

k, standing expectantly on the platform of the st



tunted, ill-fed look, like the growth of an ungracious soil; Elk, straight and tall, with the breeding and clothing of a metropolitan man, with black eyes and black hair and a small "imperial" goatee upon his nether lip; with an adventurous nature and experi

et-bag, and who repelled every urchin who wanted the job of c

ney as long as you are here, I'll take you up t

oney," said Jabel Blake, "and it's

, wisdom, and hale, honorable age were expressed attributes of his body and face, and by his side, the flower of noble womanhood, sat Catharine, his child, worthy of her par

tizen, in that his eyes have seen the glory of thes

d his mouth unclosed like a s

iment from Judge Dunlevy! They are good boys, though they've cost me a powerful lot, and I hope they'll save

ide!" cried Elk. "Remember

es is expensive luxuries. They'll do for politicians,

nd amiability of the Judge's daughter, who sat at his side and beguiled him to speak of his idolized village, his mills, his improvements, and his new bank, softened his hard countenance as by the reflection of her own, and touched him with tender and gratified conceptions of the social opportunities of his protégés. Miss Dunlevy's face, with the clear intellectual and moral nature of her father calmly looking out, expressed also a more emotional and more sympathetic bias. A pure and strong woman, whose life had ripened among the families and circles of the best in condition and influence, she had never crossed to the meaner side of necessity, nor appreciated the fact, scarcely palpable,

o equal beings, kindred in youth, sympathy, and career, earnest to dwell together and absorbed in the worship of each other. Folded in full union of soul as perfectly as the leaves of a book, which are in contact at every point equally, they felt at this period the wistful tenderness of a marriage near at hand, and their eyes anticipated it, seeking each other out. She was cast in the

ife; and hard-working Jabel Blake's final triumph with his bank! There is no misgiving in the mind of any of us. The way is all smooth. Perfect content, perfect love, no stain upon o

ith more steadfast good intentions!-but Elk here always had so much health, blood, wayward will, and brilliancy that I sometimes feared he might abandon the safe highways of labor and self-denial and try some dangerous

most old-fashioned, and most ridiculously scrupulous brother that ev

rd, incisive, positive, business voice, "wh

were a little officious and with la

ving the largest practice in the North west. This is bet

not remarking the growing repulsion with which the

and sixty tho

f getting into debt at your time of life. It makes gray hairs come. It breaks up domestic pleasure. It mortgages tranquil years. Neither

General, with a look, perhaps surly; "

"where did you get one hundred and

's friend, Jabel, I should tell you that it was none of your business! I w

ive thousand dollars, all told. But I suppose you have genius and opportu

Elk MacNair a long w

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