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Healed by the Super Power

Chapter 6 This is a miracle!

Word Count: 5063    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

up in a smile that reached her eyes and knocked down his brain. She had a metal tray in her hands like she did when they met for the first time. He didn't need to be told to know that

tered no word, but turned in a swift step to the right and

ch his lectures and cover up a lot of things he missed with the assurance that Edith was safe with Jasmine. Edith wasn't alone, but with a nurse that was willing to see her get well. He could wholeheartedly commit himself to his work because he didn't

icking the motion of his daughter's heaving chest until his breath seized in his lungs. He coughed, released the pent-up oxygen, and allowed himself to breathe normally. He moved closer to Edith and used the seat beside her. He studied her face and the rest of her body. He felt sorry for his baby but more sorry for himse

d to call the quick attention of the doctors and nurses in charge of the patient. Don kept hitting the button with utmost urgency. His eyes flickered from Edith to the door and Edith again. He became hysterical when

ds shook in trepidation and his legs couldn't stay still. He stared at Edith and his mind traveled across many possibilities that could stem from what happened to his baby at that moment. He didn't even care that he looked like a baby too. He did

ved closer to them. "Is she fine?" His words e

ed and the team dispersed. Jasm

Like each passing day is only a day closer to the day she dies. My heart aches, Jasmine. I don't think I'll be able t

you are so

led him, he nodded instead. "Your daughter isn't brain dead, Don." At the sound of his name on her lips, his heart did a double flip and he had

t heal her syndrome, but see…" Jasmine's fingers guided Don back to his daughter. With his eyes on Edith and her shock alleviated, all

here. You shouldn't surround her with your fear and disbelief. You should fight along with her in hope, with readiness to accept the life she is striving to bring forth. Don't give up."

ffee. That'll probably clear your head and give you a reason to be hopeful again. Any word from

Jasmine left the room. Don buried

the atmosphere smelled like freshly baked pie. He visited the toilet and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He loved the j

t the smile on her lips. "Hey, Dad!" He heard her cheerful voice and loved the tingles that erupted in

lled and drew him closer. He floated through space with every step that

and struggled but he couldn't reach her. He ran, but as close as the voice was, he couldn't hug her or even hold her the way he wanted to. His eyes spra


roundings. He was in the hospital. He must have slept off. Was that a


he pushed them away in fear. He rubbed his eyes and looked in the

s pretty little daughter. She hugged him back. He couldn't see how she smiled from ear to ear. He didn't want to see. He only wanted to vibrate to the beating of her heart, the sound of her breathing in his ears, the feel of he

e tears and retrieved a hand to wipe the ocean that decorated his cheeks. He didn't care that h

to see you again." Edith re

gence that was supposed to be present in an eight-year-old. She used to speak like a child ever since her syndrome got worse when she turned six. That was th

ppened?" He looked into her eyes.

ays has it

nds held onto Edith's, afraid to let go even fo

t. "Do you believe in the existence of a

look. She grinned and

ngers. His heart thumped in his chest. The questions she asked made everyt


weren't making any sense. His hands glided over the emergency button. The one he'd used earlier when Jasmine went into a shock

ve believed for a while, but then, I also stopped believing for another while." She urged him to continue explaining with the look in her eyes. He wished

I am back. Isn't that a

o a doctor. "There are many explanations, Edith." He stood from the chair and gave Edith's han

The doctor ran various tests on Edith, on her brain, her blood, and others. The results

acle? It didn't make sense. How could she be thrown into a coma and brought back completely healed of Rett Syndrome? Something didn't add up, he didn't want

r were brought back into the ward Ed

rite a book,

you out of a disease that's held you back for almost six years of your life and the only thing you can think of is to write a book?"

r wondered why people don't believe in religion, but rather, li

the question herself. “I think people are full of fear. They don’t want to rely on another being as the religions

set, the milestones they set up for a lifetime, and sadly when other people seem to be doing better than they are.” Her head s

at her, his fingers combing through her hair in adoration. “I just think ther

gers pointed

e knew what she was talking about. Her next words came when she laid her hands on his shoulders and loo

g to him, he had been faced with situations that kept him awestruck, astounded, and speechl

's emotional moment. She smiled at Edith first, and the innocent girl grinned back although shy. Her

cheeks, “Thank you for everything, Jasmine. It’s just been three da

a nurse.” The trio laughed. “Don’t you think you shou

the middle of the bed, grinning and squeezing his hand. "Meet Jasmine!" His face shifted to Jasmine'

ed her hand from Don's hold and extended it for a handshake with Jasmine.

empt to pretend she was thinking. "You look completely f

a good word with the doctor. I can't w

ot Edith a confused loo

ou'll regi

e would have to, but he didn't understand his daughter. First, she wanted t

d." There he had it, w

use these things for,

e stern, and Don couldn't argue. He understood that she inherited that virtue from her mother. But eve

ixteen-year-old. But Don could not be sure, the development scared him as much as it excited him. It was even more awkward that the doctor believed Edith's Rett syndrome was gone. He wanted

d that she wasn't scared of her surroundings or confused about where she was. He was secretly glad that she

he was deciding to keep his hopes high. If she could be fine now, he would believe that she would remain fine, forever. He looked into her eyes and


Jasmine anymore, but he could live with it. She wasn't willing to go more than friends and if she l

unt since she was also a lecturer at the local University. He couldn't decide if he was making the right choice or stressing someone who jus

t up with school activities so fast, her teachers were

three-day coma. The recovery was shocking because Don was starting to get convinced that his daughter truly

ned way beyond her peers in many things. The private teacher he hired to tutor her in cello because she remained persist

he first time since she left, she picked up his call. He thought it was a miracle, a continuation of one that started from Edith's, but the

ational art festival. The art festival was organized every year at the university museum where Don worked. Edith's piano tutor was affiliated with

little girl. Don was glad until her cello teacher came to him with similar news. An orchestra needed a cello player for a concert that would be held in less than a month and she recommended Edith because her skills were o

were still in the dining room and Edith was typing away on her laptop, the one she forced him to get for her a day after her recovery, as usual

that he would see it when her first draft was ready. For an eight-year-old, she acted too mature. He questioned

of water in his mouth

ht?" She didn't look up beyo

before you are rightly due to write that exa

"I may or may not have written the mathemat

t for the eighth grade?" H

in a whisper. "Okay dad, I just wanted to see if all my practice will pay off.

o work extra hard at this, right? You should be getting yourself together, slowly, with no pressu

I don't have very

get here, you overcame Rett syndrome to be the wonder you are right now, death can't overcome

red for her life the way he did. Or maybe he had made his fear too obvious and it had affected her. He wanted to say something that would cheer her up, make her relax, and live life subtly, but before he could say a word, she draped her ha

nder of what el

old and daring, doing all the right things at the wrong time, only to hold an unexplainable shyness in her eyes after the deed w

n the screen, 'The End'. "Do I fin

r voice. He couldn't get enough of it, and he was relieved that her crime wasn't more

said and pulled himself to

issed her forehead, turned off the lights, and left the room. He wanted so badly to read his daughter's book. He rushed his night

know what he was expecting. Or maybe he did, a coloring book, or a childlike story book or a novel at the most, but it was definitely not what he encountered when he opened t

udoscience. Pseudo is a term that means false or fake. But doe

ly science. It may be difficult sometimes to determine if a particular field of knowledge is pseudoscience or complete science and there has been a long en

stars and their effect

y and Pseudoscience. Don knew nothing about it and he was sure that neither Joan nor anyone Edith had encountered knew a thing about what she h

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