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Chapter 3 ♡♡♡

Word Count: 1149    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

r opens and Michael is standing there, smiling. "Welcome," he says, taking her suitcases and leading her inside. The house is beautiful, with high ceilings and lots of natur

beautiful furniture, and the bathroom is like something out of a magazine. "This is amazing," Jane says, a bit breathless. "It's like a five-star hotel."

ffers to make Jane a snack while she gets settled in. "We are at your service, Señorita Jane," Manuel says with a smile. "If you need anything, please let

talk about Jane's new life here. "So, you'll be working from home?" Michael asks. "Yes, I'll be writing from my room," Jane says. "I'm really looking

if you ever want to go for a swim." Jane agrees, and they set off down a path that leads through the trees. The sun is shining, and the air is warm and f

chael says. "I have a selection of swimwear for guests. What size are you?" Jane is surprised by his thoughtfulness, and she's grateful that she doesn't have to go

ng, and she takes a deep breath and jumps in. The water is cool and refreshing, and she feels her worries start to melt away. She swims a few laps, and then she sees

nd a beautiful view of the gardens. They sit down, and Michael brings them both a cold drink. Jane takes a sip and looks around at the lush greenery and colorful flow

others. Jane is impressed by his generosity and his commitment to making the world a better place. "You seem like a really good person," she says

ly, I'll be able to make a real difference." Jane is struck by his sincerity and his humility. "I think you're already making a difference," she says. "Even just talking to me

ne smiles. "I think it's important to see the person behind the success," she says. "I think that's where the real story is. The money and the business are just a part of it. What

it nervous about what just happened. She walks back to the patio, and Michael is waiting for her. "Thank you for the swim," he says. "It was a l

of gratitude and excitement. "I'd love that," she says. "I really appreciate your offer. I think it would be a great help to me." Michael nods. "I'm glad to hear t

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