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The Abandoned Room


Word Count: 8522    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

illuminated each detail of the casket's interior linings. Bobby tried to realize that, except for these meaningless embellishments, the b

ve made escape a dreadful impossibility even if the spark of life had reanimated its occupant. And that occupant

ad Paredes, who all along had offered them a spectacle of veiled activity and thought, grasped the truth? At first glance, indeed his gossip of oriental theories concerning the disintegration of matter, its passage through solid substances, its reassemb

his shaking hands to

've not been dead! I tell you I've not been dead!" He

ed his face. Jenkins sa

herine and I found you. We had to break the door. You looked so peacef

grimaced. "I wasn't cold

estion," Bobby

n," Robinso

as he had shrunk from her in the

it?" the district a

at the side of the grave, arose, brushing

e to make o

oke softly

alone to the dead. We would

binson said gruffly. "Don't f

m. It might be dangerous in itself, yet, on the other hand, he couldn't go to Katherine while his share in the mystery of the Cedars remained so darkly shadowed. He had no right to withhold anything, and he wouldn't ask Graham's advice. He had stepped all at once into the mastery of his

his light away

more to do here

pleasantly as it had done before they had set forth, yet an interminable period seemed

e? For God's sake tell me what is the matter! Katherine-if-if nothing happens

to Bobby and me and go

stared at

aten," he mut

by wondered why they went. He caught Robinson's eye. He indicated he would like to speak to him in the l

oing?" he heard

reply ca

se oppresses me more than ever to-night. I feel

he library Bobby caught at times the c

Why does he keep repeating that it is full of gho

y didn't

up. Even that would be better than this uncertainty. I must have an answer, if it c

stened with an intent interest.

on in the old room when you entered to steal those exhibits. Can't say I blame you for trying that, either. You were in a pretty bad position-an unheard-of position. You still are, for that matter. But the case is put on such an ext

u'd take it this way, for, if you

memory Howells's bold figure was outlined there, but now the fac

r plan?" Ro

elf to speak deli

t alone to the old

on whi

much nerve. Two men have trie

that room. Howells felt it. I was sure of it when I was prev

y the secret of the locked doors lies there. But we've had sufficient warning. I'm no

y sm

from a corner. If the danger's at the bed, as we suspect, it probably won't be able to reach me, but just the same it ma

give an alarm," Robinson m

uld agree, and he forced his ne

obinson mused. "The case can't gr

ce. He seemed to foresee new

hed by the fire, his shoulders twitching, his fingers about the black briar pipe shaking. G

ing the door, "has gone

ine, D

ctor rumbled. "I'm sure I don't k

tairs. Graham's face was scarred by fresh trouble

een doing up there?"

ed," Graham answered

bby's eyes. He seem


back part of the house. Why won't

om trying to make more m


in this house?" Doctor Groom

orney had an air of fresh resolution. He was about to speak when the front door open

a slow, shrinking m

Don't let them in. Don't l

hem that for a moment they didn't know what to expect. They hesitated with a little of the a


the doorway. It was plain enough something was wrong with him. In the fir

r," Silas Bla

face was white. He had lost his immaculate appearance. His clothing s

er with you?" Ro

laugh lacked its

ould have heeded my own warning. I might better

n spoke in a h

ee out there? A

" Paredes answered.

hing," Doctor

d. He looked

man in

ake!" Bob

lake. It was near

to shake again. The doctor

lesh-and-blood woma

means unusual here. That's why I've come in rather against my will. It seems strange, but I, too, have be

his back and stretched it to the light. The coat below the el

sn't at the ba

Rawlins away. "Let me see how badly he's hurt. Th

und. All at once his nearly perpetual sleeplessness since coming to the Cedars had recorded itself in his face. His nerves at

d giving me a

atch and held it

e you nearly through, docto

room gla

It's only torn through a muscle. It

shaggy black hair was d

on dou

s," Robinson said, "

ed. "Mr. Paredes has been wounded just as

nstrument that could have caused de

ing at me that way," S

ant to bind this arm. There must be an antiseptic in the

ht scraping of the door leading to the kitchen. He knew the

erine breathe

cloak. Against the darkness at the end of the room she had made no silhouette. When he put his arms around her and touched her ch

e you been

t still. I wondered if the woman in black would be arou

m's voice r

her? Is she in t

sloyalty Bobby recognized

off," he whispere


ak from her shoulders

urt. The doctor as

to them; nor was the coincidence lost on him, and it was his business to advertise rather

wants a basin of warm water, some old

hile Bobby returned with the detective to

the cloak, Rawlin

h soft satisfaction, "just wore it in.

ked for a moment at the black c

the woman who attacke


is. Please don't ask me even

t wasn't flesh and bloo


to say not

ail of the attack

ldn't answer. Under those conditions Robinson's failure to press the questi

knelt beside his chair. Neither, Bobby felt, was there the slightest uneasines

ef for a sling-" t

aid. "I wouldn't know what to do

yourself that you still kee

ak. This new development made him wonder about Graham's theories as to Paredes. If it was Maria who had struck the man there had either been a quarrel among thieves or else no criminal conne

d the doctor's paraphernalia, everyone seemed to wait.

with that cloak? Wha

trict attorney the opportunity they craved. She walked up the stairs, turning at the

ed I shall b

was clear he had caught the coincidence, too, and the troubl

en," Robinson sneered

Mr. Pa

lose to it I felt the presence of this creature in black. I spoke. I took my courage in my ha

the graveyard?" Robin

kery in the Pana

back through the court from his grave with all the evidence pointing to an astral magic. I wanted to retrace his journey. I thought at the g

Rawlins's cold, un

n black is one of them, although she's been slippery as an eel. It looks to me as if you went to the grave to meet her alone exactly as you went

crimes in the old room. Why not go out and arrest her then? She might explain everything except the re

ined in Raw


es st


ave been right in this house all the time. You remember the other night, Mr. Robinson. You'd just questioned her in the court and had threatened to question him, too, when she came in here ahead of us and slipped out the back way. She must have told him

shook h

before pushing things. I didn't see her or question her unti

eaked in the back way


nonsense!" G


een trying to fight me off this

girl," Silas Bl

de it necessary for conspirators to consult free from any danger of disturbance. But Katherine, he told himself, was assuredly the victim of coincidence. He couldn't picture her entangled in any of Paredes's purposes. Her dislike of the man was complete and open. But he saw that Rawlins out of the mass of apparently inexplicable clues had extract

took out

this off too l

ibrary. Bobby started after them. Graham caugh

mean to do?"

oped to hold them off. They intend to search Katherine's room. I think they believe she has something import

d, "should that i

ing damaging to her. He knew she

ed to them fr

ase come in, M

rary. They found Rawlins gazing throu

s saying, "and across the old ro

about?" Bobby aske

rch your cousin's room. We hope to find there an explanation of a part of the mystery-the motive, at least, fo

incapable of a share in such crimes. Do you seriously think she could pla

hat moves about and talks. I shan't give up to that madness until I've done everything in my power. I would be a criminal myself if I failed to do as Rawlins wishes. If your cousin's skirts are cl

eady search

ince R


-night. Even you'll acknowledge it's significant that all

by flashed, "in view of your

son g

t now, if necessary. For the last time, will you bring your cousin down? Will you go thro

do it if I believed you were

rong. Clear your co

son u

rmined," Graham said

at are you t

room wishes to speak to her about Mr. Blackburn. I'll warn him to keep her

son n

ive you," Bobby sa

a course so soon after it had become clea

," Graham said. "I have, perhaps,

's instructions. They waited at th

this outrage?

peak of it in such harsh

to expect. The whole th

s hints the night of How

fidence of the two offic


wide and mournful bedroom. It encouraged Bobby to see the district attorney and the detective hurry across it. After all, they were really without confidenc

her wing he noticed that K

ee," h

d, "she thought something had happen

the door," Robinson


t went on there during the next few moments. A candle burned on the bureau, exposing the feminine neatness and delicacy of t

d, watching with anxious eyes. Bobby's anger was increased by this picture. He resisted an impulse to run to the stairs an

u. One after the other he opened the drawers, fumbling within, lifting the cont

tiffened. He pulled the bottom drawer altogether from the

. Robinson," h

and stooped beside the

oser looking o

, Bobby," he said

et me show you how wrong

you knew you

uptly everything altered for him. He wondered that his physical surroundings should

lay a plaster cast of a footmark. Near by was a rumpled handkerchief that Bobby recognized a


e," Bobby answered. "You'll never mak

uff was hidden here ever since this aftern

it?" Bobby

's grin

two surprises to

n wasn't in the room when thi

r away, and she got here before I could investigate, an

e of the cast, the monogram on the h

's report and glanced ov

time he

the least your cousin's an accessory. But why the dev

know anything about these things

inson answered uncertainl

ou're still without the in

in this room," Rawl

clothing it contained. All at once he called out and ra

do that?" R

ctive answered. "Maybe it was on

he clothing from the drawer and threw it t

been a pin," Robinso

h article of clothing a

ce bri

stiff. By gad, I b

ough and through the folds, was a peculiarly long, stout, and

trick in both cases, and it's what scratched Mr. Paredes. Maybe you

Rawlins," Ro

at Bobby

ou seen this dead

but after a moment's

Rawlins. If she had been working with Paredes, which is unthinkable, she'd never hav

, "who else could have got it out of here and put

son said. "Take charge of these thing

going to do?

you both. One of you used this pin in the old room. It doesn't make much differen

t know Katherine or you couldn't suspect her of any share in

e the use?" R

t my plan. Let me offer myself to the dangers of the old room as Howells and my grandfather did. Your case is no good unless you can explain the miracle to-nig

it open. A violent gust of wind swept

"No one is likely to try to e

etched ou

expose he

of fellowship sprung from the pur

e in that room as in any jail I know of. I mean one of us would be in the library and the other in the corridor outside the broken door. How could he reasonably get out? If there was an attempt

on con

y, "and I don't want to miss any chance o

ence. The good nature which, one felt, should

now about the girl. Go ahead, anyway, and tell us, if you can, how the locked room was entered. Expla

anywhere," Bobby said

son n

o on then and clear your cousin and yourself

id nothing. He hurried from the room to find Katherine. As soon as

ne!" he


here the greedy ears in her b

d what they were a

e had been when I went upstairs, so I wondered

w those thing

She trembled. Her

ecause they had searched so thoroughly before. It

ho took that stuff from Howell

dy became more pronounced. She

guilty as you thought I was the woman in black. You

ine! You won'

and then this! It's the Cedars forcing us apart as it did when we had our quarrel. Only this time it is definite. Do you think I'm guilt

id, "why shou

in his arms an

ent she ceased trembling, and

u had hidden that evidence I'd

ey were nearly happy. The footsteps of the others in the corridor recalled them. Katherine l

"I suppose that isn't

I'd rather she h

Katherine answered. "I c


t certainly is if what you heard has shown y

at him with

ight tell us at least why you s

nswer n

, Katherine,"

ck to her face. Her eyes blazed. Bobby had never guessed her capable of suc

cally. "Don't speak to me again

m dre


said. "Don't

ewilderment. Rawlins's materialistic mind d

s thought you were

said. "You have

she attacks me,"

ain. His words, Bobby felt, o

es and Doctor Gr

he doctor rumble

ring teeth. She turned to Robinson. "I am going to my room. You

be necessary," the dist

y. Rawlins grin

g what the de

idence and of the stout hat-pin that had, unquestionably, caused death. The man made it clear enough, however, that he didn't care t

I don't think any one wants to tempt it again. In fact, I'm not sure one can learn the truth there and live. You know what happened to Howells when he tried. Silas Blackburn went there, and none of us can understand the change that's taken

ldn't have left him alone. Let us go

aughed sk

afraid he'll

e he won't," Pa

ir, nor was he to be found in the hall. Even then, with the exception of Paredes, they wouldn't take the thing seriously. Since the old man wasn't in the hall; since he couldn't have gone upstairs, unobserved by them, he must be either in the library, the dining room, or the

where a little while ago Silas Blackburn had cowered, mouthing snatches of h

at fear still sh

y as there had been about the emptiness in

ed, "if we went to the cemetery

ve come back at a

pened the

might have go

d the signs of their own passage in

gone that way in the bo

scouraged the idea of examining t

atch. He led Bobby and th

You'll shout out if you are attacked, or the moment you suspect any real cause for fear. Rawlins will be in the corridor, and I'll be

nt upstairs with Bo

and the doctor didn't suspect what you are going to d

d on withou

"because of what will happen to-morrow

d Katherine waiting. Her en

there for me, B

go in my own service?"

nd the affection in her eyes weakened him, and he needed all his stren

r. Graham came, too. The detective locked the door leadi

ny more than they will through t

of the room, searching the closets and glanc

ing to depart. "I tell you there'

native mind

learn nothing, for there's nothin

n't you, Bobby, at the first sign of anything out o

"My grandfather and Howells both put their candles ou

raham, carried the candle from th

esponse of his eyes to the disappearance of the candle, tore across the blackness, confusin

ed heads. He wouldn't close his eyes even when those fancied shapes commenced to struggle in grotesque and impotent motion, like ants whose hill has been demolished. Nor could he drive from his ears the echoes of delirium that seemed to have lingered in the old room. He continued to watch the darkness until the outlines of the room and of its furniture dimly detached themselves from the black pall. The snow apparently caught what feeble light the moon forced through, reflecting it with a disconsolate inefficiency. He could see after a time the pallid frames o

hers? Could there be repeated in his case a return and a disappearance like his grandfather's? There was, as Rawlins had said, no way

room. And he wanted to respond. He wanted to go to the corridor and confess to Rawlins and Robinson that he was beaten. Yet he had begged so hard for this chance! That course, moreover, meant the

d. He drew his coat closer about him. What temerity to invade the domain

with his knowledge? He forgot to call. He waited, helpless and terrified, against the wall. He heard a moaning cry, faint and distant-the voice they had heard in the forest and at the grave. But it was more tha

nger could find him if it chose, but his th

the long fingers of the hand were like the feelers of a gigantic reptile. They wavered feebly, and he became convinced that the hand was immaterial, that it was unattached to any body. If that was so it couldn't be the hand of Katherine. At least he had

his own hands he grasped the slender, inquisitive fingers which wavered above t

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