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The Contract Wife Chronicles


Word Count: 2363    |    Released on: 20/08/2023

ing spent the entire night immersed in the event's chaos, her fatigue was noticeable. She waved d

friendly smile, his eyes reflecting the early

ght of exhaustion. She gave the driver her address o

lled the air, the high-energy beats seeming almost out of place in her current state.

music?" she asked politely. "

rror, his eyebrows raising in understanding. "Of

melodies offering a soothing contrast to the chaotic energy that had surrounded Naomi for hours. As the lyric

rror, his lips curving into a faint smile. "Whitney Houston alwa

reciating the driver's thoughtfulness. "Ab

or, a hint of curiosity gleaming in th

ners of her eyes. "Yeah, you could say that.

ands that came with such occasions. "Well, hopef

s streets. Naomi's exhaustion began to transform into a different sort of wearin

in front of her apartment bu

enuine gratitude. She stepped out into her apartment, the cool morni

a reminder of the brief respite it had offered during her journey home. Naomi climbed the steps

o life then she find her way to her bedroom to get some sleep but she couldn't get a

nd, a tantalizing mix of possibility and uncertainty. She neede

d her fingers tapped out a message on her phone, and soon enough, h

oice held a mixture o

was filled with concern, as if she could

cing to find the right words. "I need to

d, her voice softening. "W

ess heart-to-heart conversations between the sisters. As Naomi entered the cozy esta

greeted, pulling Na

slightly as she embrace

r, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty in her eyes. She knew Olivia had always been the

Olivia's tone was gentle,

p as if seeking the right words. "I had an encounter with Du

ke Jackson Knox", Olivia said

excitement, "And he proposed

d the information. "A temporary marria

to explain. "He wants us to enter into a contract, a marriage of convenience, for

yes. "Naomi, this sounds risky. What are the hidden motive

hin her. "I don't know, Liv. He mentioned strategic reasons, but I can't help but wonder i

omi, you have to be careful. Don't let his charm cloud

"I know, Liv. That's why I wanted to talk to yo

glad you came to me. Just remember, you need to weigh the risks and benef

th her sister. They talked for hours, dissecting the proposal, cons

magnetic presence, continued to sway her thoughts. The memory of their rooftop conversation played

and Duke but also further intertwine their lives. It was an offer that carried the promise of success, a tantalizing c

quired meticulous planning, flawless execution, and an event planner with a reputation for excellence. Naomi's skills were unquestionably top-notch, and her n

in the upper echelons of society, a power player who possessed the connections and resources to make things happen. And so, it was no s

flecting on the journey she had embarked upon. The risks were real, the motives unclear, and yet there w

ers. She understood the gravity of her choice, the significance of the path she was about to tread. She would need to navigate this u

ip with Duke had evolved into something that went beyond the confines of a business arrangement. There was a connection, a companion

n to twinkle to life, Duke requested a meeting with Naomi. They sat in a qu

to discuss with you," Duk

sity mingling with a sense

aching, and our collaboration has exceeded my expectations. You've brought a

end of pride and vulnerability filling her

g. Our partnership, this collaboration – it's more than just a business venture to m

the air, the weight of their implications s

not just for the gala, but beyond it. I've seen the dedication and creativity you

eant more than just collaborating on an event. It meant taking a step into uncharted terr

cant step, and I don't expect you to make a decision right away. Take your time.

excitement, and the undeniable allure of his proposal. Her sister's words of cau

e, I appreciate your offer, and I want you to know that I've been considering everything carefully. Our c

features. "I'm glad to hear that. Whatever decision you make, know that I value what we'v

ty. "Thank you for your honesty, Duke. I need a little more time

ment. "Take all the time you need, Naomi. This is a decision that will s

but the allure of Duke's proposal had taken root in her heart. She found herself standing at the threshold o

and challenging, their interactions a blend of professionalism and the undercurrent of something more. The event planning process, once her solit

ng confidence, his ability to turn challenges into opportunities, began to chip away at Naomi's reservations. She found

i realized that their partnership was not just a business arrangement. It was a journey of self-discovery, of learn

at fateful encounter with Duke. The path she had chosen had been uncertain, fraught with risks, and

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