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The Contract Wife Chronicles


Word Count: 1622    |    Released on: 20/08/2023

g consumed their thoughts and time, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways. As their collaboration flourished, so did th

t, brainstorming ideas during impromptu walks, and sharing stories that spanned the spectrum of emotions.

staurant, the city lights twinkling below them, Naomi notice

t," she remarked, her vo

stfulness and nostalgia in his eyes. "I used to c

e's sister, the vulnerability in his voice t

ry day. She was my rock, my partner in crime. Lo

n a way she hadn't expected. The rooftop terrace provided a cocoon of intim

rried a mixture of nostalgia and determination. She spoke of her dreams, the hurdles

enuine interest was palpable, evident in the way he hung onto her every wo

uld make it in the city," Naomi confessed, her eyes

iration in his eyes. "And you have. Your

s momentarily lifted by Duke's understanding. "

thy passing between them. "Challenges

found herself sharing a more personal loss, a painful cha

g college," she revealed, her voice tinge

er of empathy crossing his fea

low. "It was tough. He had always believed in me, in my

erstanding of loss. In that moment, Naomi realized that their st

spectives," Duke finally spoke, his voic

s. "It changes us, shifts our priorities, and

her own. "Yes, it does. But it also teaches us t

them crumbling further with each shared story. Naomi realized that in her vulnera

ss to share," Duke admitted,

n them that transcended words. "Likewise, Duke.

rmth of each other's presence. As the night sky continued to blanket them with its darkness, N

till present, had been met with Duke's understanding and empathy. Their stories, thoug

that her partnership with Duke wasn't just about business anymore. It was about two souls finding solace and understandi

to their collaboration and shared vision. Amid the applause and the joy, Naomi noticed the unspoken exchanges tha

ts casting a warm glow in the room, the atmosphere between them shifted.

I want to say," he began

vulnerability in Duke's voice mirrored her own feeling

I initially realized," Duke confessed,

tion, and a hint of fear. She had never anticipated this depth of feeling betwe

Naomi admitted, her v

m. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, Duke's hand reached out, his fingers

that moment, Naomi felt as though they were suspended in time, their he

e the way you do," Duke confessed, his voice a mer

of electricity through both of them. The space between them seemed to shrink, the intensity of their connection igni

momentarily crumbling in the face of her sincerity. His gaze traced the contour

em faded, leaving only the two of them suspended in time and space. The city's distant hum w

that was impossible to ignore. Her breath hitched as Duke's hand moved to cup her cheek,

d with the promise of something unspoken, a connection that transcended words. And then,

f unspoken emotions, a blend of longing, curiosity, and the undeniable chemistry that had been simmering beneath the

htened, as if they were trying to bridge the remaining space between them. In that moment, the world around them

ectly with her own. Duke's Office seemed to transform into a haven of raw

ixture of exhilaration and uncertainty as it's been a long time she had such a passionate kiss. She fell back to give duke a warm

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