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The mirror that talked back

Chapter 2 Chucky's Reflections (Part 1)

Word Count: 2447    |    Released on: 29/08/2023

irst child, actually he was the only child to his mother. Chucky was a happy baby a loved baby. Chucky's mother loved him so much. Giving birth to him was her greatest accomplishment she

pecial. Charleston at times seems to get very lonely. Charleston started to question his mother. When am I going to have a little brother or sister? His mother Pamela responded and "said having another child at this time is not apart of the plan. Charleston was sad but he understood. He responded to his mother I understand, ag

apped the little girl on her shoulders and said do you have a pencil I can borrow? she turned around and smiled and said yes , and she gave Charleston her extra pencil. During lunch Chrissy and Charleston was sitting across from one another. Chrissy asked what is your name? He replied Charleston. Hmmm Charleston she said, I'm going

en and most of the time Chrissy was the one that made the boys cry. The boys were scared of Chrissy. Chucky did not have to worry Chrissy was there she was his Wonder Woman. Chrissy had Brothers. She had brother that would ruff her up and teach her how to fight. So even though Chucky was the only child he didn't have to worry.Why because he had Chrissy by his side. Chrissy was what you would call Ride or die Just at the

and Chucky made a pinky promise. Chrissy asked Chucky to give her his pinky. Chucky reached out his right hand and stuck out his pinky finger. Chrissy grab it with her right pinky and asked Chucky to p

his little heart desired. It was one thing though, that Chucky loved more than playing sports and that was playing Music. It was so amazing that at such a young age he loved music. Music became his passion. From that night forward he promised himself, that he would start a music group. Chucky kept his promise and started a group called "Mice 2 Men". You may have heard a few of their songs. "Northland Valley", Ending arose", "Get off of my knee", and who could forget? "Im doing alright". So from that moment on he decided to learn how to play the drums, and he did. Chucky said his goodbyes to all his classmates even to his best friend Chrissy. They did their secret handshake hugged and said goodbye. Chucky got into the car with his parents a 1985 Buick with a cloth top. Waved again to Chrissy and off they went. After what felt like an eternity of riding. They finally pulled up, in front of the happiest place on earth. Nana and papa's house. Chucky jump ou

senior and his best friend Chrissy. The sad thing is Chucky never really spent a lot of time with his dad, but Chucky was loved. Chucky's father was always working. Charleston senior was doing everything he could, to make sure that Pamela and Charleston Junior', were very well taken care of. So Chucky was excited. He was going to see the Northland Dodgers, his favorite player was number 21 Damin justin. He was so excited he took hi

for the Northland Dodgers. So you can come to all the games for free. Chucky

to write some amazing hits but we will talk about that another time. The game was amazing now it was time to go home to Nana, and it was time for supper before bed. Chucky was so excited he felt like he wasn't going to be able to sleep that night, but Grandma c

mean green and strong like me Chucky replied. Okay go grab your shoes. Which ones Papa? Your Nike sneakers. Chucky ran to his room to put on his new sneakers. He also grabbed his fitted baseball cap and went back into the kitchen. Ready Papa. Okay let's go. Within 10 minutes they were at the movie theater with tickets in their hands and a tub of buttery popcorn. The movie started Chucky started smiling. Papa was happy seeing Chucky happ

cried but the amazing thing was Chucky will get to see them for the holidays

pa. His excitement to see his Mom removed the sadness of missing his Grandparents after the ride home. Chucky was

. Chucky hated it but he trusted Chrissy. He trusted her so much he promised her that the first and only woman he will ever Love, would be his wife. He promised to keep himself until marriage. She felt beyond special, because she knew he only wanted her. But Chrissy didn't feel the same w

their secret handshake. But before getting into the car 13 year old Chucky turned to Chrissy and ask "Will you be my girlfriend and one day my wife?". Without hesitation Chrissy said YES. Chr

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